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  1. Professur


    Wind blows hard enough you might not need to at all.
  2. Professur

    First frost in N Alabama.

    Storm totally squibbed. The conspiracy nutters are calling it a martial law exercise ... and a rousing success of one. I'm hard pressed not to agree with them. Not one publicized story of anyone telling them to stuff their ban.
  3. Professur

    First frost in N Alabama.

    Huge ... yer screwed.
  4. Professur


    Saw some footage of grocery stores in your neck of the woods. Looks like the zombie aflockalips is already upon you. Got your ass covered?
  5. Professur

    Back in my day

    I saw a little gizmo last week that converts your tapes to MP3
  6. Professur

    Losing weight on low carb eating

    Homelan tried that. It worked for a while .. but he gave it up because it was ruining his health. I'd suggest wandering over to Catocom's site and asking him specifics. Maybe he'll share.
  7. Professur

    Merry Christmas

    I won't likely be online much until next year so happy new year, merry christmas, or whatever blows up yer skirt.
  8. Professur

    Cool Video of the day

  9. Professur

    I feel soooooo old now.

    For shits and giggles, I logged into VirtualDR .. just to see what was left. Fark me, it's allllll still there. That's me posting nearly 15 years ago.
  10. Professur

    Cool Video of the day
  11. Professur


    I'd usually suggest the .357. Fires the .38 so it's cheap .. but you can step up to more power if you feel the need. But for a first plinker, I'd have to go with a .22 long barrel revolver. You're dead right on one thing tho ... a first gun should never be an auto. Until their wrist is strong...
  12. Professur


    There were more than a few at the archery club I went to.
  13. Professur

    Hey Fluffy ... TRL needs you for

    Hey Fluffy ... TRL needs you for
  14. Professur

    Making money online.

    Apparently there's some money to be made in recording your daily life and putting it on youtube.
  15. Professur

    What's with online bad asses?

    They've nothing better in their lives. Same as children with spray cans defacing buildings. The burden of civilization is that people are left with no successes in life.
  16. Professur

    Happy Halloween Ladies!

    The first Highlander (and only good one IMO)
  17. Professur

    Anyone see Neo lately?

    So ... who has to launder that?
  18. Professur

    Cool Video of the day

  19. Professur

    Why is it?

    I leave things in disorder ... nobody will even look at it until I come back
  20. Professur

    Anyone see Neo lately?

    You know a vacation was good when you need a vacation to recover from it.