What's going on with these emails?


Staff member
My dad sends me 4 or 5 email jokes a day and none of the emails I get from him ever have a "from" field.
Then on top of that there's all this header information in the body of the email that I have to sort through if I want to read them.

I don't know how he's setup that they turn out this way, but it's getting really annoying.

Got any idea what's going on here?

Here's a sample .


this is my special title
Its amazing how you can wak into a letter bomb on some sites. The same thing happened to me last fall. Some unknown site did an autoregister for a pile of newsletters covering all topics. I was getting roughly 40 a day. It took 3 months to track it all down and cancel them one at a frickin time. I figure I wasted 15 hours in legwork alone.


Staff member
That's really hard to read flav. I think all that shit shows up if he's just hitting forward. When I forward a joke (or whatever) I delete all that crappola. The longer it's been forwarded, the more shit shows up in the header. The more I look at that sample, though...
Does it only happen with fwd'ed email or ALL the email he sends you?


Staff member
He hasn't emailed me anything but jokes since he switched to cable a couple months ago, which I assume are forwarded. I get all kinds of other stuff forwarded to me and his are the only ones like this though.

Here's what my inbox looks like
here .

See how there's no "From" field? I don't know how he does this.


Staff member
Yeah, that's pretty weird. I notice he has plain text, maybe if he switches to HTML??? (just taking wild stabs here)


Staff member
I'm going to ask himn some questions about this...if I hit "reply" I still have to type in his address. Somehow the header information just isn't being passed properly, it's going into the body of the email instead.


Staff member
Under the message tab, see what's checked under create rule from message.


Staff member
Flav, let us know when you figure this out. Shit, it's driving me crazy now.:retard: