Interesting that you mention trying out Debian on your old system. I downloaded and installed Debian base to fool around with it on my old faithful laptop. Can't get the PCMCIA stuff to work, so that I can use apt-get, but the commands feel very comfortable to me. I especially like dselect to install packages. Given the vintage of my Laptop, I'm also having some trouble getting my ol' Neomagic video up to par with the the stock (stable) x-window apps that were available (xfree 86 and Winmaker). Also, the touchpad does not work properly - can't figure this one out at all, although I think that I installed all the correct packages. DaMasta was kind enough to mail me a copy of Libranet, which has not come in the mail yet, but which should give me the full install to customize from. Given how comfortable I am with the base install and commands, I'm interested in trying this out. Debian should be kinder to my old laptop system, according to DaMasta. Mandrake 8.0 bogged it down with KDE, though it configured and ran without a hitch. Trying to get my wife to let me replace this ol' workhorse.
I'm anxious to try out apt-get, once I get it up and going. Have been through the RPM route with Mandake.
Once I got by the learning curve with RedHat 7.1 on my desktop, I really like it (very stable on my via chipset), but, as I said, would like to upgrade KDE (which is very easy to use and has good features). I understand the new update is even better, but with my dial-up connection....
Let me know how you like Debian. PostCode got me going on Linux. What's really interesting is the Lindows distro, though they want $99 to get in the front door. This would be the cat's meow, since I need Windows apps to do stuff from work.