Sorry about that.


Staff member
If you thought maybe you were experiencing a bit of a slowdown, you were. The server temporarily had a load spike, but that is over now. Apologies for the inconvenience. Be sure to reply to this thread and tell us how you coped with this disaster.

Me, I just sobbed uncontrollably as I logged into the shell and had to stand helplessly as the server's load was creeping into the 30s, the 40s, the 50s and so on. :cry2:

First I only felt sad, really sad :cry2:
I cried until my eyes couldn't produce any more tears.

Then came the anger, the anger against the host. :cuss:
The anger became more and more intense...until it resulted in the most gruesome anger I ever experienced! It was horrible, I was sure I had seen Death...I said "darn".

After my anger exploded I could do nothing more than wait. And thus came the time that the server load dissolved....and the sky went back to blue, and everything was fine.

mhhhh....I really gotta cool down on the Bacardi....(with many many thanks to PsychoMark, for correcting a horrible typo...
Thanks for reminding me....I needed that.

I feel much better now. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna kill myself. :retard:
Heh! That was the point where you drop in and shout: "In the name of God, please don't do it!!!!:eek2: "

But I get the message....I'll try not to make such a big mess, that wouldn't be nice :D
:D :D :D :D

I like things which are in a non-gay way. So it's OK :D

*hugs back, also in a non-gay way*

I am in no way against homosexuals, but I just don't like the idea of two men hugging in a gay-way.
And no, I do not reject it because I'm insecure in some sort of way about my own sexual preference. I'm plain straight. :D


Staff member
You're starting to sound like our (un)official lawyer, William B. "Slingblade" Thornton, with those disclaimers. :D


Staff member
Umm.. if you two are gonna be swapping fluids.. please go to the back of the forum so no one can see you:vomit:


Staff member
no shit....disclaimer or not....this is entirely too much man-love :sick:

*turns hose on fury and shadow*
Allright, how can I make this clear......?


It is true that I always get rejected by women, but in no way have I EVER or will I ever turn towards the other side.
Neo, I bet you have ever hugged your father or someone male you know. That didn't make you gay did it?

I don't take the comments from other XiBase members serious, especially not those from PsychoMark, but when people start to think I'm gay, it is my duty to convince them otherwise.
I'd figure that somebody would say something like that....

But I don't care. There is one positive thing: I will always know for certain that PsychoMark has had fewer girlfriends than I did.

I really didn't know those French chicks were twins...honest!