What is happening? :) This place get as nuts as OT at HWC used to get?
O ol' man New Member Apr 11, 2002 #1 What is happening? This place get as nuts as OT at HWC used to get?
flavio superfly Staff member Apr 11, 2002 #2 Yep, this would be the place. Welcome to the board ol' man!
fury Administrator Staff member Apr 11, 2002 #6 Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here! You better have some beer and pizza, or Gonzo's gonna get mad. You won't like him when he's mad
Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here! You better have some beer and pizza, or Gonzo's gonna get mad. You won't like him when he's mad
Kruz Moderator Staff member Apr 11, 2002 #7 Welcome Ol'Man... we need some Intel users to balance us out
AMDnut Eee equals emcee squared... Apr 12, 2002 #8 Oh no! There goes the neighborhood!!! J/K!!! Glad to see you here ol'man!