So...this hungry girl walks into her kitchen...


One of a Kind
I have been really sick the last few days and today the swelling in my throat has finally gone down enough to where I can eat something besides soup. I went into the kitchen and opened up the frezzer to grab my nummie egg bagels. I was all craving a bagel with honey and butter. Well, much to my surprise my dumb roomate ate all them! I bought them a while ago, but still at least leave me one! Errrrgh....THat makes me so mad! Good thing I am out of here soon cause I am tired of her never buying groceries and when she does she tells me that she is saving them for something special and I shouldn't eat them. Well...PAYBACKS SUCK! I bought her a Milky Way one day for letting me use her car to go see my friend at work and it's still in the I ATE IT! It was really YUMMIE!


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
My sister's ex-roommate used to initial her name on the eggs...fuxored. She was a cheapo also.

I've been battling a cold all week...I hate being sick. :sick:


Staff member

Tell me her name so I'll make sure not to be her roommate.

Unless she's really hot