Roe vs Wade


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Today marks the 30th anniversary of the monumentous decision. It has torn apart families & brought parents & children closer. It has made the pundits scratch their head & the children answer eternal questions. It is good. It is bad.

Shouldn't there be a clause about viability outside the womb? Are partial birth abortions murder, or are they still choice? Do you buy NOWs rhetoric about the decision? Is the National Right to Life Committee nuts or on the moral high ground?

Enough from me, add your comments & questions-but be rational & thought provoking & avoid flaming, if you please.


New Member
It's very simple really lol
I'm a guy
I don't get pregnant
(at least not in the last 42 years)
as a young man I thought abortion was
a viable means of birth control
but, once I held my one Son in my arms
14 years ago, I had a different view of things
In my life three Women have told me of their
experiences in this area, all were negative!


It is really a simple matter...

Are we Taliban, or not
It's a Woman's choice
raising a child isn't a small

In the words of Pink Floyd
Leave those utreri alone.

If a Woman wants control over her own
body, I say she has a right to it!!!


Staff member
Make a Puss-N-Pork™ sandwich, and pay the full price or give the result up to someone who will. Period. No inbetweens.


New Member
Fury is that an anti-abortion sentiment?

I'm only going to pay for the One kid
I made helped to make.

Oh and the millions of Kids on welfare and
the WIC programs

and the school taxes I pay while my Kid Never
spent a day in the lousy public schools
And the 6K a year for Private school tuition

It don't take no stinkin' Village to raise a Kid
It takes "Parents"!!! That's plural, for those of you in Rio Linda lol

Now I should start an Anti-Womens Lib thread!


New Member
Depends on the situation, I don't think abortion should be used as birth control for those who were irresponsible ...

but at the same time, in situations of rape, I think a woman has the right to abort that child if she wants to.

As a pregnant woman suffering through sleepless nights, aches and morning sickness, I wouldn't want to go through a pregnancy conceived by rape.


Staff member
I personally don't believe in abortion..BUT I don't presume to have the right to tell other couples what they have to do in their own situations.

The thing is Roe vs. Wade has a chance of being reversed now because Mr. Bush thinks he can tell all these couples that they can't have abortions. As he gets to appoint the next Supreme Court judge, women may have to return to the days of coat-hanger abortions.


this is my special title
If it comes down to that, I don't think the coathanger days would return. Rather, I think you would see a growing overseas cottage industry to pick up the slack. I don't know what the laws are in Mexico or Canada, but I dare say that there would be oh so many more people crossing over.


New Member
Maybe the upper class would have the cash to take a trip overseas to get an abortion but the middle and lower classes won't. For them, illegal abortion would be the way to go. I know a few girls from high school who did it-and were totally ok about it, like they had the right to use it as birth control. That thought pisses me off.

As far as my opinion, I'm not really an extreme advocate for one side nor the other but I lean towards the woman's right to choose. My sister had a miscarraige years ago, while 4 months pregnant, and the hospital refused to do a D&C because it was a Catholic hospital. That was their policy. They expected her to sit with a dead child inside her until she delivered it naturally. As if she hadn't been through enough already! Good old Catholics. So we transferred her to a non-Catholic hospital and changed her doctor to one that wasn't affiliated with a Catholic hospital.

Anyway, I have never been in a situation where I've had to choose, so I don't honestly know what I would do. I do know that we don't choose to have children, at all, ever.


New Member
alex said:
Not that I'm trying to be nosey, but may I ask why?

lots of reasons... Have you got a minute or two? ;)

1. I don't have that motherly instinct that I want them-I never have. I am motherly to my neices and nephews and love and enjoy them immensely, but I'm their Aunt-not their Mom. Ultimately, I am not responsible for their lives nor upbringing.

2. There are alot of people out there who had kids for the wrong reasons-to feel that they aren't alone, only to carry on a family name, because they are 'expected' to by society and their church (or in our case, by his parents-he's an only child). We'd rather be childless for the right reasons than have a family for the wrong reasons.

3. Being a parent is a HUGE responsibility--the ultimate responsibility--and we don't feel we want to take it on. Rusty and I see the kids out there who have less than stellar upbringing, no discipline, irresponsible parents, etc. and don't want to be responsible for that. We don't feel that we can be great parents so we aren't being selfish. If we feel we're ready later in life, we will.

I've been asked this question a hundred times, and more often than not, (I'm not talking about you) I get the impression that the person I'm explaining it to thinks there is something wrong with us for not wanting them. It can be summed up with this statement: Just because I have the ability to get pregnant shouldn't mean that I'm obligated to or that there's something wrong with me if I don't want them.

With that said, wanna see pictures of my gorgeous neices and nephews? :D


I think you two are very wise and level headed for making that decision and should be commended. Having children is a tremendous responsibility. Most young people don't realize that untill it's too late. Then the child is the one who really suffers.
A very wise decision greenfreak!
Not an easy one, but it is the right one, when I hear you talk like that!

BTW, very nice pictures from you and your family :)


New Member
greenfreak said:
As far as my opinion, I'm not really an extreme advocate for one side nor the other but I lean towards the woman's right to choose. My sister had a miscarraige years ago, while 4 months pregnant, and the hospital refused to do a D&C because it was a Catholic hospital. That was their policy. They expected her to sit with a dead child inside her until she delivered it naturally. As if she hadn't been through enough already! Good old Catholics. So we transferred her to a non-Catholic hospital and changed her doctor to one that wasn't affiliated with a Catholic hospital.

Whoa, religion can get extreme at times! :eek2: