'Return to Castle Wolfenstein' (PC) Review


Staff member
Graphics: 5
Sound: 4
Playability: 5
Gameplay: 5
Overall: 5 out of 5 stars

If anything, you can see how far PC gaming has come in the past decade by looking at "Return to Castle Wolfenstein." Comparing the crisp, high-resolution levels and smooth animation over the pixelated and drab graphics of the last release, it's amazing to think that (pre-3D acceleration) "Wolfenstein 3D" was once considered revolutionary. The play control has been perfected as well, with tight and intuitive controls that allow for faster-paced gameplay. Even though there are minor pacing problems at times, "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" delivers an amazing single-player and multiplayer game. For first-person shooter fans, it's a must-own.

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Just finished playing RTCW a few days ago. Kinda disappointed. Not much action, too dark, and the 'super monsters' were impossible to kill without invoking god mode. I give it only two stars.

I was very disappointed in quake 3 as well because it was too dark and too damn fast. You barely had time to figure out where you are before some monster blasts the hell outta you :smash:


Staff member
I love it. The graphics for the first 5 seconds that I see before it crashes my system are amazing. No matter how far I underclock my CPU to try to get it to stabilize, the game never lasts more than 5 seconds.