OpenGL or D3D for UT with GF4?

To those of you who have GeForce cards of some kind:

If you play UT (Unreal Tournament) what do you use?

OpenGL or Direct3D

I have a GeForce 4 MX440 64MB DDR, and I use OpenGL for Counterstrike and it plays great (100 FPS). I however am getting about 60-75 in UT with D3D. I can get over 100 in OpenGL but it looks like crud.

I'll just have to wait till UT2 and Unreal2 come out and play them for good D3D support :D

Thanks all.....



Staff member
I use the D3D. Reason being is that when i try to use OpenGL I always seem to crash to the desktop.
I am currently running UT in 1280x1024x32bit everything else set to high. Plays plenty fast enough that i cant keep up with it.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
I played with D3D (way back when openGL suxored in UT). You may want to experiment with the S3TC hacks (do a search in the gaming forum of HWC). Your mileage may vary.


Staff member
I've used the S3TC hack on OpenGL. Man, I wish I had that back. :( It was just too damn cool. The textures were amazingly detailed compared to the default ones (i think 512x512 at "High" detail?). The greyscale "bump" texture that appears when you look up close to a wall just doesn't compare at all.