office assistant/ office 2000


Staff member
My moms friend has office 2000 on her machine. She said she has used the office assistant sucessfully in the past and it talked her through some various steps for the application she was using (excel, word...etc) Now the little guy goes into seizures and curls up in a little ball and refuses to offer any help. I found a registry repair patch for the office assistant at the microsoft website and updated her OS (win ME). I don't have office 2000, so I really couldn't be of much help. Neither of my ideas worked. Anybody ever hear of this? Any ideas?


The best advice you could give her is to disable it and learn how to do things without it. Sorry, I don't know how to get it going again. The only thing I ever did with it was get rid of it.


Staff member
Unfortunately she likes this dumb little feature. This is an older lady, only semi-computer literate...but she follows instructions well. This thing came in very handy for her. She helps my mom out alot, so I try to do whatever I can to help her.


OFF2000: How to Install or Repair Microsoft Office 2000

[QUOTEURL=]Reinstall or Repair Office
This procedure detects and repairs problems that are associated with installed Microsoft Office programs, such as registry settings and missing installation files. This procedure does not repair personal files, such as worksheets or templates.

You can run Detect and Repair by using one of the following methods.
Method 1
On the Help menu in any Office program, click Detect and Repair.

Click Start.

To restore program shortcuts to the Windows Start menu, make sure the Restore my shortcuts while repairing check box is selected.

Method 2
Double-click Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.

Double-click the Office 2000 entry listed in the Add/Remove Programs dialog box.

Click Repair Office.

Click either Reinstall Office or Repair errors in my Office installation, and then click Finish.

NOTE: If you selected Repair errors in my Office installation, select the Restore my shortcuts check box if you are having problems with your Office shortcuts.



Staff member
In method 2 of your previous post, if you choose reinstall office, would that delete any work she has saved? ...would she need to make back ups of any files she has in there....or would they be unaffected by the reinstall?

(I already tried method 1, which didn't work, but my power went out in the middle of talking her though that and I couldn't find that web page again :mad: )


Any diectories that have data in them should be unaffected by the reinstall, but to be on the safe side back them up first. I have reinstalled Windows on top of an installation that was already there before and didn't lose anything. I strongly suggest backing up any wordprocessing/spreadsheet/etc. files that she might not want to lose. That's a good practice to keep anyway. I always backup my data files even if I wasn't going to reinstall anything.

She might also have to put her preferences back after the reinstall.

Have you checked to see that the assistant isn't disabled in the options settings?


Staff member
Yeah, we checked and assistant is definately enabled...he just went into attack mode. :retard:

She had to go to her office for a while, but I'll have her back up her stuff and give reinstalling office a shot when she gets home...thanks s4 :love:


Staff member
WOW !! thats usually what i do when i have to work with M$ software.
Curl up in the fetal position and cry...:cry:


Moderator from Hell
Run the Office2k Setup & de-select the Office assistant to un-install it. Then run the set-up again & re-install it. Easiest way.

Your directories would be totally unaffected by a re-install - in any case by default it'd be My Documents & that's a system folder anyway.


Staff member
That's rather ironic that the paper clip is always there, annoying the hell out of you when you DON'T need it and on the rare occasion that it IS needed, it doesn't want to talk to you.