Memory testing


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Anyone know of a good site? I have some basic software that shipped with my thinkpad but I'd like to have something a bit more comprehensive. I've been to but their software is for 9x only.

Here's my problem: about a month ago, I somehow blew out both the A/C adaptor and the A/C plug on my laptop. That unit has been sent back to IBM for a repair; in the meantime, my school has lent me a loaner laptop until I get mine back. My laptop has worked flawlessly up to this point (6+ months), especially after sticking in a extra 256 megs of memory.

Since about day one after getting the replacement unit, using both memory dimms (128 from IBM and 256 from Crucial) at once resulted in nasty bsods. Both dimms are rated the same memory speed and CAS latency. Using one or the other, I had no problems whatsoever but having both plugged in bsod'ed almost immediately after starting win2k, so I plugged in the 256 dimm only and off I went.

This past weekend, I started getting bsods again, but this time I thought it might have been a heat issue. The laptop would run fine for about a half hour after turning on then it would bsod. After cooling down for a bit, it would repeat. I noticed that some of the bsods were identical to the ones I was getting right after getting the replacement laptop (DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL or various NTFS msgs). I reseated the dimm but the problem would not go away. I reinstalled win2k but no luck.

Just for the heck of it, I swapped out the 256 for the 128 and the problems seemed to go away. I installed 2 flavors of Linux on VMware and no problems cameabout, so I don't think heat was an issue. Now I think it's more of a memory issue.

I've also noticed that this laptop's bios is 2.5 years old (1999). I'm hoping a bios upgrade will reveal more. My dilemma is, I could upgrade it but the thing is since it's not mine, I don't want to show up at my school after something goes wrong and saying "oh btw the laptop you lent me is broken." I've flashed bios many times before; it's just the case of the 'what ifs'. There are no setting in the bios for memory except to have it extensively tested before post (and that didn't do anything).

Enough ramblings; if anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate it. I'm off to IBM's site to see what they have.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Just an update: It appears that I fried the dimm (it wouldn't work in 2 other same make/model laptops) so I wound up getting another one. Memory is still cheap, even though I paid almost double than I did four months ago.