MechCommander 2 (PC) Review


Staff member
HIGHS: Awesome special effects and animations; huge campaign; cool resource system.

LOWS: A few graphical bugs; no formation or unit-facing orders; AI can be tricked a bit easily.

BOTTOM LINE: Fine, action-heavy strategy, and a huge improvement on the original.


The AI is a bit too simplistic and easy to exploit — you can always lure enemies out of tough defensive positions and into your traps, for example. Also, on several occasions late in the game I was able to take out several fearsome Mechs without them firing a shot, or moving.
Other bugs include an infrequent crash to the desktop, a graphical glitch with the waypoint system, and the more frustrating (but rare) ordered Air Strike that never comes but still eats up your Resource Points! Finally, formation and unit-facing commands, which would have been a real help, are completely AWOL.

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