It's a secret


Staff member
Intel screwed up with not making 32-bit application compatibility a priority with the Itanium. The hammer will rule the high-end server market, plain and simple. AMD had the better idea from the beginning. Now that Intel realizes that, they're jumping on AMD's bandwagon now. But it's already too late.

Fear the hammer.

:retard: as Intel, :smash: as AMD in AMD vs. Intel!




Staff member
I hope for all of our sake they don't try to cut corners to release it sooner than it's ready. If they make another mistake like what they did with the P4, it's gonna be hard for them to recover from it. And that would mean AMD would be the only player in the power CPU game. That, ladies and gentlemen, believe it or not is not a Good Thing, that's a Bad Thing. Because you see, AMD will become another Intel, and they will see no point in cutting prices to compete, because their closest competition is not close to releasing their new product. Then AMD would be lax at releasing more revisions of their current product line, which slows the processor industry to a crawl for a long time until intel got back up from the drawing board.