Is it still safe to use this thermal paste?


New Member
I have a tube of Arctiv Silver that is almost 6 months old. Whenever I leave the tube on a surface and move the tube after about 24 hours, the surface is a little greasy (not silver colored though, it's transparent).
Is it still safe to use this thermal paste on a cpu since the silver is still there and is thermally conductive? Has it by any chance gotten electrically conductive, too because of the "leakage"?

Thank you in advance


Staff member
I would give it a good shake/mixing if I were you (just shake the tube up really hard and fast, don't stick anything in the tube to stir it with)

Silver thermal compound is electrically conductive, believe me :eek:

Just be careful not to be messy and you should be fine. :smash:


New Member
fury said:
I would give it a good shake/mixing if I were you (just shake the tube up really hard and fast, don't stick anything in the tube to stir it with)

That can be a problem since the entire paste (goo) is in a seringe (spelling?).

If I use it sparingly, and don't overdo it, I should be fine.
But the Arctic Aluminas are going for 4$ right now ;)


Staff member
I should've told you earlier, but OCZ Quicksilver is cheaper. Oh well, you've probably already wasted your money on that AS crap :lol: