I've been thinking about this for a couple of days. Xi has plenty of mods and a good bunch of members.
At the time when I agreed to be a moderator, I thought it would be while I was enjoying doing it. Lately, I just don't have a lot of moderating to do in the TP&P. Gonz is more than able to take care of that forum.
I think the site is in good hands and wish you all the best of luck. It is my intent to remain a member if there are no objections.
Good luck NEO and Fury with your website. I sincerely mean that.
At the time when I agreed to be a moderator, I thought it would be while I was enjoying doing it. Lately, I just don't have a lot of moderating to do in the TP&P. Gonz is more than able to take care of that forum.
I think the site is in good hands and wish you all the best of luck. It is my intent to remain a member if there are no objections.
Good luck NEO and Fury with your website. I sincerely mean that.