Hulked out pinto beans


this is my special title
Beans' Wind Of Change

A blast of gamma rays can quell the ill-wind that accompanies eating beans, according to research.

Food scientists in India have discovered that irradiating beans can rid them of the chemicals that cause flatulence.

The embarrassing symptom is caused by bacteria in the large intestine reacting to certain types of carbohydrate called oligosaccharides.

Mix of gases

A mix of gases is produced by the bugs that include methane and sulphurous compounds.

On average, adults produce four to five litres of gas a day.

Beans are most commonly associated with the problem because up to 60% of their carbohydrates are oligosaccharides.

Jammala Machaiah and Mrinal Pednekaar, at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre in Trombay, investigated the effect of radiation on mung beans, chickpeas, black-eyed beans and red kidney beans.

Gamma radiation

Samples of each were bombarded with gamma radiation. The beans were then given the typical two-day soaking in cold water that is necessary before they are cooked.

The researchers found that initial irradiation slightly reduced levels of oligosaccharides.

But the further reduction that occurs naturally with soaking was dramatically increased in gamma-exposed beans.,,30000-10304621,00.html

Damn... They're taking the fun out of everything.

We search for the cure for cancer... we end up with gas free beans... figures.