hey dennis...


I forgot what motherboard you told me to get for my computer. I need to know which HSF is good, too. My dad told me to send him a list for the shit I need.

I think I'm going to get an In-Win case and put some good fans in it too. They're easy to assemble, nice looking, and have good cooling I think.

I know for sure that you told me to go with that cpu from gameve.com, and the two sticks of pc3700 xms. i'm going to wait out on the video card until HL2 comes out and get what's the latest greatest from ATi.


Staff member
Gigabyte GA-7n400 Pro 2... but that's debatable right now (I'm 0 for 2 on these right now, maybe I'm just not doing something right)... just go for an nForce 2 400 single-channel DDR board, it's faster for gaming

And don't go with the XMS PC3700, it has crap timings. Go for XMS PC3200 LL