So long, farewell, goodbye-from a Valued
Oh, and by the way, if you thought we screwed you big time & it still wasn't enough, try this:

To our valued customers:
3dfx Interactive, Inc. is no longer providing support for any 3dfx products and drivers. Information about 3dfx is no longer available from the website. Please be advised that on February 19, 2002, the website will be shut down entirely. As a result, the following alternatives have been put in place
Oh, and by the way, if you thought we screwed you big time & it still wasn't enough, try this:
Trade in Your Voodoo Graphics Card
Got Voodoo? Get Verto! For a limited time, you can trade in your old 3dfx graphics card and upgrade to a new PNY Technologies VertoTM graphics card powered by NVIDIA. Buy an eligible Verto and get cash back and a FREE games CD! Act now and unleash the graphics power of a Verto graphics card! Currently, this promotion is valid for US domestic sales only.