couldn't wait any longer


so I ordered this board this morning. I read thru the MSI forums and had decided not to buy MSI boards anymore. There was alot of talk about class action law suites over the apparent problems with the K7T TURBO2, but I really like the features on the MSI boards. I will probably put my slot A board in #2 and put this board in my main system with a 750TB Socket A and buy a new processor soon. :spin:


Staff member
Class action law suits? Wow, I'd always heard that MSI boards were pretty stable. Congrats on the new boardage. When you get the new processor, be sure to overclock that 750 to its max to get the most out of it before you get that new processor in. :smash:


I've never OC'ed before, but I may have to give it a shot this time. What do you think I could get out of that 750?


Staff member
Who knows. 800? 900? 1000 if you're lucky?

Depends on the quality of the stepping. There's no way to tell without actually doing it. That's one of the great thrills about overclocking. It's like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get. :retard:


Got my mobo yesterday. Looked over it for a while last night. MSI web site says it has 6 USB ports but I can only find one header on the board and of course the two standard USB connectors at the rear next to the PS2 connectors. It came with a USB cable with two type A connectors (standard mobo to rear of case USB extension) and a USB cable with a type A and type B connector (they call this the PC2PC cable). How the hell do you get 6 USB ports out of that?


Here is a little better description of the problem. I posted this in the MSI forum as well :mad:

Every ad I have seen for this mobo says it has 6 USB ports and is PC2PC capable. The mobo came with a USB extension cable (mobo to rear of case) w/2 type A ports and a USB extension cable (mobo to rear of case) w/one type A and one type B port (the type B port being the PC2PC port).

The USB2 connector on the mobo has two rows of pins and one of those rows has the two end pins missing. The manual clearly illustrates the row that has the two end pins missing is the PC2PC port and I assume it is not a normal USB port and can only be used in this capacity. Does this mean the USB extension cable (w/2 type A ports) cannot be used as two normal USB ports? If so, there are only three USB ports and one PC2PC port.



Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Look at J21. That's your other USB header. It works in addition to being the D-Led thinger.



Are you sure? The illustration clearly shows one connector going to USB2 and one going to J21 :confused:

Do you know if the PC2PC port operates as a normal USB port? I doubt it, it has two pins missing in the row of pins :confused:

And even J21 has one pin missing on one row :confused:


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Well then. You only get 4. That's what the manual says.. Page 3 of the first part. Sorry.

Your other header is for PC to PC connections. Basically for networking two PC's with the same motherboard (I don't know of another motherboard manufacturer that puts those stupid ass things in theirs). Anyway, USB2 is NOT for standard USB operations. It's designed to network two PC's through a USB connection.