C&C Renegade Problems


New Member
Being a big fan of C&C games over the years, C&C original being the PC game that got me hooked on PC games in the first place, I was looking forward to Renegade. I was dissapointed to find that the game becomes unstable after a while, even with the 17mb patch installed and the graphics become choppy and the game slows right down to a virtual halt for about five minutes then seems to recover. Has anyone else had similar problems with this game or could it be a problem with my system ? With all but Renegade running I still get this problem ? System specs: Windows XP Pro edition, 640mb SDRAM, Abit KT7A-R mobo, Maxtor 20gb HDD, AMD Thunderbird 1Ghz, Hercules XP Theatre S/C, Elsa Gladiac 511 64mb SDRAM G/C AGP.


That game is trash. I couldn't get it to work on my comp. I played it for 5 minutes once, until it crashed.


Staff member
Oh wow, a game that can crash without my touch. :eek2:

Your system is fine, I'm sure it's probably a faulty game. Cause, after all, if Acid could crash it, it has absolutely no hope at all.


New Member
Yeah, it looks that way :( :) Hope C&C Generals will be better thought out and not released before it's finished :rolleyes: ;)