Fury - No prob dude. If you look closely at the clips with no springs, you can see that the curls on one of them are tighter which caused the lighter/loose tension. Typical assembly line product......
Acid - The fan mods do not take much time. The holesaw takes about 30 seconds to cut through! After that, you need to figure the bolt holes for mounting the fan guards. That takes a few minutes. Then, bolt together and route wiring. Adhesive clips help keep wires out of the way.......
NEO - Thanks man! I suggest you try your first mod on a case you may not want to keep! Maybe a spare! I screwed my first case up slightly, but not to bad!
What do I need to do for an article? Would you want it in any certain layout/program? I could do the text in Word, then supply pix with indicators in the text body as to where they go......