Like this... :wave:
See? :wave: :wave: :wave: They're showing you how to do it.
Now SWING, damn you, SWING! :swing:
Good boy... hmm? What's that wavey? You ate too much beans? :fart:
Ewwww :sick:
well I sure don't wanna shake HIS hand anymore :eek:
Often, the point of using 2 drives in a RAID configuration is more for the performance than for the backup, at least that is usually what speed hungry freaks use it for. Most of the time, these speed hungry freaks either don't care if the risk of total and complete failure of the entire RAID...
I was gonna say have it auto-detect the drive at bootup, it would've been an extra few seconds wait, but it's shorter than going into the bios to detect it manually.
But since you already figured it out, I won't. :retard:
I do that (accidentally leaving a jumper on master when...
It looks like most of your questions have been answered, so I'll finish the other ones:
The main factor here is that AMD walks the walk without talking any more than is needed. Intel can walk the walk, but they throw all kinds of marketing crap at you along the way. It costs Intel money to...
Welcome! Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here! :wave:
Don't worry about the referrer thing, I have enough referrals as it is :D
Hope to see more of ya around here. :)
(Yay, 4000 :grin: )
Man... 900 years, that's too soon for me to die! :retard:
If anything from space is going to kill us all, it will most likely be all the orbital space junk that's gonna blow up the international space station and cause our planet to be blanketed in orbiting pieces of space stations, shuttles...
You can get an excellent Athlon XP (1900+ which is 1.6 ghz) plus Soltek 75DRV4 plus 256 megs of PC2100 DDR for about the price of that Abit TH7, Pentium 4 1.6, and 128 megs of Rambus.
But that minitower case is gonna be a bit cramped. I recommend getting at least a midtower, SX1040 or a...
You hit the nail right on the head. I was gonna say that but couldn't put it in the right words. The apes who possessed particular traits eventually evolved, and those who didn't, simply continued to be apes.
An XP overclocked to about 1.8-2.0 could whomp a P4 2.5A. The Palomino can in fact continue beyond 1.73 ghz but AMD has other plans for the XP. The Thoroughbred core will prove to be quite the contender, especially having a .13 micron process, now it will be able to overclock like hell.
Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here! :cool:
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