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  1. fury

    Everyone check this out! From what I hear, Win2k/XP and Mac OS 9 do some really stupid stuff that makes the internet slower. Apparently, following the instructions in it is supposed to speed up the internet, or something. :eek: Well, it couldn't hurt to try, so...
  2. fury

    Racist or just bad marketing?

    In a word, yes. Everything we say must be carefully worded so as to not contain any of the following: Offensive slang, racial slurs, sexually suggestive terms, a joke, a jestful insult, or anything else, otherwise we get our asses handed to us on a silver platter by The People for the Equal...
  3. fury

    heh while fury's gone

    I'll getcha for this...
  4. fury

    To Tony and Marcia Dooley

    Better not give those assholes the pleasure of a death penalty! :mad:
  5. fury

    I will be Gone

    ooh, you guys are in trouble now! :mad: ahh, I'll let it slide this time, cause I like ya. But you're gonna be licking up that beer if I catch you stealing my cheese again!
  6. fury

    I will be Gone

    I'm leaving Thursday morning. Goodbye. (I'll be back some time next week though. Don't break the board until I get back :D)
  7. fury


    Ditto to what Neo said. Damn humid and feeling like almost 100, but I got my trusty friend A.C. here to help me cool down :cool:
  8. fury

    so that makes me ...

  9. fury

    How long do you suppose before the world unites in peace?

    I didn't mean it as a condescending term, sorry. There just needed to be a different term to use for what we now refer to as the different races of the planet, since we are all one race, not a collection of separate races. Sub-race sounded better than differently-colored-groups-of-people. I...
  10. fury

    How long do you suppose before the world unites in peace?

    I really don't see the many religions as being that different from each other. Think of the things in common between every religion: They all contain a basic set of guidelines intended to control people and give them something to yell at their kids when they feel they must punish them. They all...
  11. fury

    I finally got JKII

    Big game boxes take up a lot of storage space, and have a lot of slack space, considering the fact that most games are nothing but 1 or 2 CD's, a manual, then the rest is cardboard and air, and game advertisements (like screenshots and stuff). Look at games for the GameCube, X-box and PS2, for...
  12. fury

    How long do you suppose before the world unites in peace?

    I suspect, with all the terrorist activity going on in recent events, that it will take at least a century or 3. If I'd have to make a ballpark estimate, I'd put my guess at about the late 2200's to mid 2300's. Here we are in the 21st century, with virtually none of the advances promised last...
  13. fury

    Whacked story of a couple days ago

    I was at my cousin's this weekend. Me and her boyfriend went to go rent a game for the GameCube, and on the way back, there was a car backed into one of the apartment buildings. The brick wall immediately surrounding the car was obliterated. :eek2: It had just happened, because the dust...
  14. fury

    original food fight thread

    *tastes the cheese curds* *spits them out* :sick: BAH! They're from that imitation cheese company, trying to get around my total domination of the cheese lovers market by never actually selling people cheese, but selling them yellow colored body fat. Hurry, burn it, before it takes control...
  15. fury

    8-Year-Old Allegedly Drives Stolen Car To School

    They start off stealing candy, next thing you know, they're stealing jewelry, then TV's, then cars...oh wait, he skipped all that and went straight to cars... :rolleyes:
  16. fury

    Arctic Silver 3 Sux!!!!!

    Is that the load or idle temperature? Because, with OCZ Quicksilver compound (same stuff, just cheaper), I saw a 5°C lower temperature, with my Athlon 1.2 @ 1.33, and a friend of mine who got the same stuff and used it on his 800 saw 5°C lower temps and was able to oc it to 890
  17. fury

    Can it get more ghetto than this?

    Sometimes it's just for the hell of it, not just to increase speed
  18. fury

    Fav Junk Food

    Chips. I'd say Chocolate, but there's only so many ways you can do chocolate. There's no limit to what you can do with chips, though.
  19. fury

    original food fight thread

    While krusty was still an admin here, he took the liberty of deleting Dark Angel. :shrug: *chucks a banana peel at s4*