What are your thoughts?


this is my special title
Well.. I keep wondering why we keep putting up with the same BS year after year from the government. Why the roads can't get paved. Why the tax code is umpteen 1000s of pages long when a 2 page pamphlet should be all we need. Why so we live in a lowest common denominator society. I marvel at the popularity of schlocky 2 dollar formulaic movies. I wonder when an ammendment will be inserted into the Constitution to allow Der Arnold to run for Prez.


this is my special title
I wonder if we are the only high order intelligent life in the universe. I wonder if the popularity of boy bands is disproof that we are intelligent at all. I wonder if there is a way to achieve Star Trek type faster than light travel. I wonder what tomorrows Power Ball numbers are going to be. Oh where oh where is that she that is the one for me? Is Ginger or MaryAnne the better lay? What activity in life am I best suited for? What will be the exact day of my death? Does happiness and contentment exist for me in my future? Will OJ be on sale next week so I can stock up... The names and locations of everyone who ever stole from me so I can exact retribution.


this is my special title
Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone? How do I get my whites their whitest? I wonder where undiscovered pirate hordes may lay. A cure for cancer would be nice... Does religion have any validity?


Staff member
The Universe is a huge place... expanding constantly, no discernable center or edge, inside or outside, top or bottom... For the planet earth to be the only planet containing intelligent life is an extremely lonely thought. If our planet can support intelligent life, surely there are other planets out there which can sustain intelligent life as well. Maybe life that has different surroundings than ours, perhaps they might breathe nitrogen as opposed to oxygen. But with the vast size of the universe, and with so many star systems, there is almost certainly at least one other planet capable of or already sustaining life with a similar or greater level of intelligence than our own, or that is not far from obtaining this level.


this is my special title
If we ever do run into other intelligent life, what would we do about it? Our travel capacity blows big time. Any other alien race that is out there at the moment that would have the werewithall to contact us or interact with us... to visit us... would most likely have the juice to conquer us or snuff us out like a match. Anyone up for being in an intergalactic zoo?


Staff member
Somewhere, on some distant planet, some other species just might be wondering the same thing.

Things that make you go hmmm... :hmm:


You've given me a new idea for xi. Fury could be the reporter like on Larry King Live. Once a week interview a Xi member asking their thoughts on various topics. Sort of a question and answer type thing just like on tv. It'll make 'em feel special like their opinion counts.:D


1 of 3
I often wonder about dimensional theory. In the history of Art, perspective was not discovered until the middle ages giving rise to the notion of 3 dimensions. Perhaps we are unable to comprehend the idea of more exisisting complex dimensions that in the future will be so obvious to those people.
I wonder why I'm visiting a forum in the middle of the night, while I have to get up really early in the morning.

I also wonder why I don't have any beer and cigarettes lying next to me...and some beautiful women...


Staff member
Im wondering why when i click to view a thread i see at the bottom of the screen to "post reply".
Is this a new feature? a hack?
I also wonder why we are on this particular planet? or did i just take the damn blue pill again?


My cdrom is working again after I found that a jumper cap was loose. I'm happy. He asked what I was thinking...so there.


Staff member
Now that you mention it, Neo, I DO happen to notice the reply box at the bottom. How the hell did that get there? :eek:

(it's a hax0r I found at vbulletin.org, after SL pointed out the notion of a quick reply box out to me :D)

s4, a weekly interview might actually be kinda fun! :D


Staff member
Since everything you are surrounded with was once something else and many other things before that, is it possible that there is a memory of sorts at the molecular level that gets passed along in all matter throughout time?

Is there any scientific reason why it is not possible to communicate with other humans or even animals purely through the mind (telepathy)? What types of psychic powers are theoretically possible? Why do we only use 10% of our brain and what would it be like if all of it was used? Is there any data that would indicate whether this percentage ever improves?

Why do people walk past recycling containers here at work in order to throw their cans in the trash? Is there an anti-recycling group out there and what is their agenda?

Is there any reason to kick my hot sauce addiction?


Staff member
Some theories claim that the percent of the brain that is not actively used in "thinking" is actually used for memory storage, but here is what I think of these theories :bs:


Psycho Penguin
fury said:
Some theories claim that the percent of the brain that is not actively used in "thinking" is actually used for memory storage, but here is what I think of these theories :bs:
Damn, and I thought it was for Astral Travelling.... So, how does it work then? :confused: