Whacked story of the day


Staff member
That is dreadful....and I'm positive if he gets named micro-soft he will never get picked on on school either.:smash:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
ok, now we've come full circle from the 60's names of "Sunshine" etc. so, maybe we'll begin returning to a less stressful time (we just have to avoid going all the way to wearing beads with plaid bellbottoms & tie-dye):rolleyes:


Staff member
:eek: :eek2:

I feel sorry if that kid is going to get named Microsoft.... think of all the fruits and vegetables wasted, thrown at him for being named after the most arrogant PC software company in the world. Think about all the torture he'd get from Lin*x users... and IF he was a Lin*x user! (I'm sorry Master Bill, I'm only using that term for an example.. please don't hurt me... :cry2: )


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Imagine, this child & a hippievictim meet in 2015-"Captain Crunchberries Windows Black, I'd like you to meet Earth SkyFire Jones.":sick:


I'm not really sure what these people are even after!

Do the parents want a major corporation to pay them $500k to name their kid after the company?


In my opinion, it should be the other way around, the parents should have to pay the major company money to names their kid after the company.


Leather and Heels
That is the most pathetic thing I have ever ever heard. They should have thought of needing a bigger house and all of the bills it entailed before hand.

No matter how much love you have in a home, a kid still gets made fun of and the kid will still probably be p!$$ed at his parents for nay such name.. poor kid!:scared:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by brainsoft
I'm not really sure what these people are even after!

Do the parents want a major corporation to pay them $500k to name their kid after the company?

I heard an interview with him & he thinks "We are good parents & will raise our child to understand" he also mentioned the kid shouldn't mind & it's for his future doncha know.
-hmmmm-methinks I see a guy with a rifle in a clocktower:smash:


New Member
Originally posted by fury
:eek: :eek2:

I feel sorry if that kid is going to get named Microsoft.... think of all the fruits and vegetables wasted, thrown at him for being named after the most arrogant PC software company in the world. Think about all the torture he'd get from Lin*x users... and IF he was a Lin*x user! (I'm sorry Master Bill, I'm only using that term for an example.. please don't hurt me... :cry2: )


Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
By the look of the father and sister maybe the kids name should be Jenny Craig.:rolleyes:

That's just flat out STUPID! Both parents need a good smack up side the head.:smash:


Mushroom at large
Thanks Fuse. I was beginning to think I was the only one who'd noticed that the 4 year old out-weighed me. Please, someone get Amnesty Int'l on this one. If anyone needs protection, it'll be this poor baby.