Were back


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Missy and I are back after five days in the Three Sisters Wilderness. 40 miles, five million skitter bites, some great pictures, sore muscles, brused heel, nasty feet, smelly bodies and some kick ass views...were back.. Here are a few shots from the trip:

This was taken this morning at about 8 in the morning. We were at 7000 feet here. The night before was 37 degrees. At the time of the picture is was aroung 59. Cold front moved past to reveal this:

This was taken the second morning. We were at Sister Mirrot Lake. There is a lake behind us where we were camping, Lancelot Lake. Steam is rising off the lake. Time is about 8 in the morning:

More to come tomorrow. Tired now. Ohhh and the pizza and beer were a sight for sore eyes after five days of top ramon, cheese, crakers and sausage. :D


Staff member
Posty, I am so jealous. It reminds me of when i used to goto colorado on vacation. Get us somemore pics when ya get time... :spin:


New Member
Those are some really nice pics. Looks like you guys had a good time. :) Can't wait til you post the rest of the pics.

Welcome back


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I wanna go home :(

You don't realize how the landscape affects the hearts desire until it's gone.

Lets lobby congress to move the UT valley & surrounding "hillsides" to IN :grin: