This is strange.



[QUOTEURL=]I think if any nation is protecting these people, they should wiped off the map. I don't mean like what happened in Iraq where we got soft at the end. This time there should be nothing left of whoever it was. I also think that we should not worry about getting civillians in that country. In fact, I think we should as many as possible.

My biggest concern is that our politically correct system will forget about it in a day or two and go back to being a kindler gentler kiss ass mindframe. I suppose Jesse Jackson will have to defend whoever was because he likes to stick up for anyone that is not caucasan.[/QUOTEURL]

I posted that on 9/12/2001. I know some of you will prolly flame me for what I said say it's racist. Actually, it's not a racist comment. Some may say it is however.

The part about getting civilians was some anger being vented over all the pain and suffering on tv, and I prolly shouldn't have said that.

Anywayz guess what? I wasn't too far off...

Jesse Jackson mulls invitation from Taliban

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Jesse Jackson said Wednesday that Afghanistan's ruling Taliban militia has asked him to lead a "peace delegation" to the region.


I got one problem with Jackson negotiating for the US. He doesn't speak for me and he shouldn't be allowed to speak for all those people that were killed. I don't like the thought that some candyass could go over there and smooth things over. Those people killed our citizens. They need to be brought to justice not negotiated with. I don't want Jackson speaking for me or the US. He's got no business sticking his nose in. Who does he think he is anyway. We didn't elect him as our leader.

Frankly, I don't like Jesse Jackson. It's got nothing to do with the color of his skin. I don't like the guy because I question his morals at times.


Staff member

just wanted to flame you.

I think they like Jesse for some reason.


Thanks. I needed that.:whip:

I know that there is gonna be at least one or two people that are going to call me ignorant or racist or whatever. I kind of expected it when I put this up. I've had a rash of disagreements with people on the web the last few days. I'm used to it by now.:beerchug:


no no no, let him go over there, then lets start bombing the hell outta them and really piss em off, then maybe they'll take him hostage :idea:


Originally posted by alex
no no no, let him go over there, then lets start bombing the hell outta them and really piss em off, then maybe they'll take him hostage :idea:

I voted yes that we should send him over there last night at the CNN website. I wouldn't be greatly concerned what happened afterwards.:lol:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Jessesnicker Jacksonsnicker snicker negotiating ROFLMAO....maybe they'll take him FOREVER.....pleeeeaaase, oh great Taliban, you'd like Jesse :smash: :lol: