Think all that Red Cross money that you donated went to help the New Yorkers, NOT!



[QUOTEURL=]WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Charities swung into action after the September 11 terrorist attacks, raising more than $1 billion. But questions are being raised about where and how and how much of that money is being distributed.

Bearing the brunt Tuesday during a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee's oversight panel was outgoing Red Cross President Dr. Bernadine Healy.

The Red Cross has raised more than $564 million for the Liberty Fund, which was set up in response to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

While the agency states on its Web site that it is spending more than any other relief agency responding to the terrorist attacks, it has distributed only $154 million. [/QUOTEURL]

The biggest problem that I see with this is that most people thought they were donating to help the people in New York. They didn't know the Red Cross was going save a major chunck for something else. Who's to say that a little later on that this money wont go in some big shots' pocket?


this is my special title
Some of it will go to salaries of some kind, but not much. Those salaries were already being paid out of the general fund. I believe that the Red Cross will spend it all on massive restocking after being stretched so very thin keeping up with all of the little natural disasters in Cental and South America and all of the standard African civil wars and disease outbreaks. I knew thats what would happen all along.


That information was not widely known to people who blindly contributed like there is no tomorrow. They were under the impression all of it was going to be used to help NY, and the Red Cross didn't make any public statements that I know of telling people that they were only going to use part of it on the NY disaster.


this is my special title
Did you really expect them to? That would cut into the cash flow to do so. If you want a specific to get full benefit then you have to give to a specific.... something like the firemans benevolent assoc. of NYC


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
This is the exact reason the woman(I forgot her name) resigned-she wanted the NYC fund to be just that, the governing boards didn't.

If you run the numbers, it would come to over $100,000. per death. I don't think that it's necessary to give 100k for each loss in the WTC/Pentagon/PA flight.

The Red Cross is one of the few that puts it's money where it's mouth is, they don't spend 60 or 70% on overhead. It will get used for the benefit of mankind, not the Presidents secretary's cousin's uncles limousine fare.


That is a lot of money involved. People with the noblest intentions can go astray with temptation. I think there should be some accountablity perhaps a nice honest, self-effacing organization like the US Government should oversee it. I'm sure they'd never cheat anyone.:rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by Gonzo
This is the exact reason the woman(I forgot her name) resigned-she wanted the NYC fund to be just that, the governing boards didn't.

I think her name was Bernedine.....errr...forgot her last name.....damn memory! :mad:


I think the reason they changed their minds is because public pressure forced them to. They knew that the next time they needed funding for something it would be difficult to get people to give anything.


Staff member
My donation wasn't much compared to some others ($7) but I intended for it to go directly to the relief effort. I'm glad that's where it's staying.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I, on the other hand, made a donation to the Red Cross, to help whoever needs it the most, at the moment


Close the world, txEn eht nepO
My Homeroom teacher sez im greedy, cuz i never donated to red cross. The fact that i always thought charitys were a rip off always stopped me.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Tell your homeroom teacher, for me, that he/she has no goddamned business telling you, or anyone else, that they're greedy or any thing else not specifically related to schoolwork, and to keep all hairbrained OPINIONS to themselves.:mad:


I agree with Gonz. It's none of her business how much you did or did not give.


Getting back to the subject, I gave probably more than I could afford and was not happy when I heard such a small percentage was going to the relief of NY. I didn't open my pockets thinking the Red Cross was going to keep it for profit.


Staff member
I donated too, thinking it would be going to the victims in NY. However, since the Red Cross helped me out in a big way before, I am not as offended about all the proceeds going to NY. However, if they collected money, leading people to believe it was going towards NY, when they never had any intention of sending it there...that's just wrong.