

Everday People
Same here it was what was called I hope constructive criticism and help I hope. BD When will the rest begin?


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Half the ability to write is the patience alone to sit down and write. The other half it the ability to proof read ones own writing and fix it. :lol:

Neither of which I have. :lol:

Not to shabby Fury. One's own imagination is worth countless books. For those who have the ability to put their imagination into words...well, congrats cause' I sure as hell can't. :)


Staff member

Chapter VII


Zelda wiped away tears that were streaming down her face, dreading the possibility she would never see the inside of the castle, her loving father, or the smiling faces of her friends, as a physical presence again. She spoke in a breaking voice.

"Let's go now, before I change my mind and stay."

Link nodded and sighed nervously as he lead Zelda down the dirt path back to where Epona was standing.

Zelda spoke to the guards. "Guards, I dearly appreciate every single second you have stood here to protect the castle from unwelcome guests. My time on this world may be running short, so this could be the last time you see me. I want you to know that we are in unpayable debt for your loyal services, and even though my father may be harsh with you at times, he is also very appreciative and would never replace any one of you no matter what happens. Goodbye."

The guards stood unwavering, then honored the Princess by taking their helmets off and saluting her.

They walked past the gate and over to Epona, then Link placed Zelda atop and jumped onto the saddle, petting his faithful horse and tugging the reins to start moving.

Zelda closed her eyes, partly trying to clear her eyes and partly trying to figure out where the cave entrance might be. "We will probably find the entrance to the cave somewhere near the entrance to the forest, so let's go there and look around."

Link nodded again as he set Epona in the direction of the forest entrance, speaking telepathically. I hope Alexandria and Benjamin were right, that the Bond of Spirit has the power to defy fate. But how do we know we were the ones destined to awaken it?

Zelda thought for a moment, then replied. I don't know for a fact but I have a strong feeling we are. I trusted my instinct when I felt the urgent need to come with you for this, and I'm trusting my instinct at this very moment that we were, and are destined to the holy wedding the legend spoke of, and also that we are destined to awaken the Bond of Spirit. What I can't understand is how, at the same time, it seems I am destined to die soon, and then this revelation that the Bond of Spirit can defy fate. It's like the Goddesses are having an argument over which one gets to, uh, have their way with me so to speak.

Link cracked a smile. I don't blame them. They're probably jealous of your beauty.

Zelda's heart warmed and she relaxed a little. You have a way with words--sometimes I wonder why you've been single all these years...

To tell you the truth, I haven't really pursued a relationship because I haven't been interested in any of the other girls.

Before Zelda could think of a reply, Epona stopped at a wall of rock and neighed.

Link sighed, then, stating the obvious, said "Here we are."

Zelda and Link slid off Epona and gazed into each other's eyes.

After a moment of silence and a long, deep stare between the two young adults, Zelda blinked, coming back to reality, and blurted, "We should start looking for the entrance to the cave."

Zelda seemed to walk through the wall of rock, which was an illusion created by the forest spirit to protect the forest from a disturbance of its beautiful serenity that would no doubt happen if the forest was widely known. She looked around the immediate vicinity for any other openings that would lead them into the underground cave leading to the Temple of Life.

Link nervously took steady deep breaths as he shuffled through his pouch. He noticed all of his bottles were filled with life potion and magic potion, and there was a note tied to one of them. He read it to himself.

Tut tut, never leave for an adventure unprepared, you brave boy! I thought ye could use some potion hence I filled up yer bottles while ye had yer back turned.

Signed, Kate

P.S., A very wise man who calls himself Link, would be about your age now, and had unmatched courage once told me, "Never underestimate your potential."

Link chuckled. That Kate is one sneaky lady...

He continued rummaging through his items, and finally pulled out the Lens of Truth. It allowed him to see things that did not appear and see through things that are not real. The lens was covered in dust and lint from not being in use for years. He wiped it off and took a glance through the red tinted glass lens, revealing the entrance to the forest, but no second opening that he could immediately see.

Zelda walked back out of the forest and shook her head. "Nothing."

She walked along the rock wall feeling at the grass for an opening to the cave. Link was following along the wall ahead of her looking through the Lens of Truth.

"Zelda, watch out there's a hole in the ground right in front of you!"

Zelda shrieked in surprise as she fell beneath a small hole in the ground. Link threw his Lens of Truth back in the pouch, drew in a sharp breath of air, ran to the hole and jumped down. A blanket of dirt flew up from the floor as Link landed hard.

"You scared me, Zelda, that looked like a nasty fall. Are you hurt?"

Link grabbed Zelda's hand and pulled her up. Zelda brushed herself off.

"Just my pride."

Link exhaled and looked around. It was very dark, the only light they could see was coming out of the hole they just went through, and emanating from the finely cut and vibrantly polished jewels sewn into Zelda's dress. They figured the area was very large from the sounds of the echoes of their words.

Zelda spoke softly, "We're directly beneath the forest--this must be the cave that leads to the Temple of Life."

Link took in a deep breath as he noticed that they would have a hard time looking for where they were at, seeing as there was no light that they could see in the cave. Zelda took Link's item pouch and pulled out a branch from a Deku tree out of it. She summoned her magic power and waved her hand over the tip of the branch and set fire to it. A large radius of light surrounded them and lit the way. There was an ambient sound of groaning and growling, indicating they were not alone in the cave. Link readied his Hylian shield and unsheathed his Great Fairy sword.

They bravely started walking forward without knowing what lies ahead. The ice ball sensation they both had grew to what seemed like it was filling their stomach, keeping them on edge. They felt like they were being watched, and their skin was covered in goose bumps.

Zelda shivered as she said, "It's so cold in here..."

Link shook his head. "No, it's not cold, we're just scared out of our wits."

Zelda remarked sarcastically, "Oh, like we had any left after that nightmare this morning."

She paused and recalled the prophecy, letting tears escape her eyes again and grabbing a hold of Link's hand. "I don't want to die, Link! There are so many things that I want to do but I'll never be able to. I'll never be able to write a book, feed a needy child, become queen of Hyrule," Zelda began to sob, continuing, "Or marry the man I love... It's so unfair!"

Link valiantly declared in a bold voice, "You won't die. Not if I can help it."

A pack of five Wolfos charged to attack Link. He told Zelda to stay behind him, then he prepared to destroy them all. He nailed one of the yellow-eyed Wolfos in one swing of his sword, then he was slashed by another. Link screamed in pain, then angrily sliced two more Wolfos apart. The last two howled loudly, looking like they were getting ready to attack again, but instead the remaining snarling wolf-like creatures retreated into the darkness.

"Wise move, you little bastards," groaned Link, clutching his leg in pain from the deep wound the Wolfos made.

Zelda gasped as she saw the broad wound across Link's leg. "You're hurt!"

"I'll be fine," Link insisted.

Zelda frowned angrily and set the torch down. "Sit down!"

Zelda shoved Link down as she pulled out a bandage from his pouch and wrapped it around the wound.

Link cringed as the bandage upset the wound while being put on. "Really. You don't have to worry about me. I've been in much worse condition before."

Link stood up and they started walking again.

Zelda alerted Link, "Something's coming!"

A large, shiny silver Stalfos, a skeleton-like creature with a big shield and long sword, showed up followed by a larger Wolfos with a disgusting, rabid, visceral froth dripping from the sides of its mouth and an enraged look in its yellow eyes.

The Stalfos spoke. "Ah, a pleasant surprise, as I surmise. A snack be waiting to fall upon your tusk, and before the day is ever turned to dusk!"

The Wolfos snarled. "Child's play... heh heh heh!"

Link jumped forward to attack, fiercely thrusting his sword at one and using his Hylian Shield to block the other. The duo was a strong force, Link was struggling to fend them both off. The Wolfos jumped to the side and bit into Link's arm. Link growled in agony, took in a deep breath, yelled, and plunged his sword deep into the abdomen of the rabid Wolfos, whose screams filled the cave with echoes scattering across the massive cave. Blood started pouring out of the Wolfos as it keeled over, groaning, and finally passed away. Link withdrew his sword, now covered in the boiling red blood of the dead Wolfos. He then charged his sword with magic power and slashed the Silver Stalfos hard. The Stalfos shrieked and fell to his knees.

"Please, spare your attack for one brief moment, enemy of evil. Listen, and advise you on your quest, I will."

Link scoffed. "A rhyming Stalfos giving the Hero of Time a tip? Huh. All right, but make it snappy, I'm not getting any younger."

The Stalfos stood up, favoring his shoulder which took the impact of Link's sword swing.

"Trust all, and you will not survive. Become cynic, and you will not be live. With contemplation and logic, you see, defeated, shall your adversary of fate be."

Link and Zelda looked at each other in bafflement as the Silver Stalfos vanished into thin air. Link's hand was pressing against the deep puncture wound made by the rabid Wolfos.

Zelda shouted with concern in her voice. "Link, the bite might have infected you!"

She grabbed Link's pouch, sat down and pulled out a bottle of Life potion. "This is probably going to sting, Link, but it's better to be safe than sorry."

Before Link could stop her, she had pulled off the cap of the glass bottle and poured some of it over the wound.

Link cringed and bit his lip trying to fight the urge to scream. He failed, and it travelled back and forth through the vast, seemingly endless cave. "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!"

Zelda looked away as the red potion started to fizzle and boil away working to help close the wound, then she started wrapping another bandage tightly around Link's arm.

Link scolded her. "You know, that REALLY stung, Zelda! I probably would've been fine anyway."

Zelda frowned. "Well, sorry. If it was infected, you would've been hurting a lot worse later though."

Zelda shoved the bottle of life potion into Link's mouth saying, "Here, drink the rest of this."

Link's endurance returned while consuming the potion and he thought about his situation for a moment. I guess this ain't too bad, getting cared for instead of caring for myself. He spoke aloud. "I didn't mean to snap at you. Thanks."

Zelda grinned as she put the bottle away in Link's pouch, and they were up and walking again. Link saw up ahead a pedestal decorated with the symbol of spirit, with writing engraved on the top of it, surrounded by a large raised golden Triforce symbol. Link crouched down to try to read what was on it, but the words were in ancient Hylian, he could not read that.

Zelda walked over to the pedestal to read it. She mumbled to herself for a moment, then spoke, puzzled. "It says, 'The strengths of the Triforce shall open the door to new possibilities.'" Zelda paused, then thought out loud. "The platform we're standing on is a Triforce symbol, that must mean something..."

Link inquired, "'Open the door to new possibilities'... meaning the Blade of Spirit?"

Zelda thought for a moment. "But, the strengths of the Triforce, and then this Triforce we're standing on... does that mean we have to bring the Triforce together to open the door?"

Link looked ahead and noticed a wall with three doors, each containing a Triforce symbol with only one of the golden Triangles glowing brightly. On the door to the left was the symbol for the Triforce of Wisdom, on the door to the right was the symbol for the Triforce of Courage, and on the door in the middle was the symbol for the Triforce of Power.

"Zelda, look at this wall. It has three doors, one with each of the Triforces. I think we may be able to open them with each of the Triforce's powers." Link thought more. "But since Ganondorf holds the Triforce of Power, this will prove to be impossible, unless somehow Aidon manages to get the Triforce of Power out of Ganondorf's hands. Ganondorf would still practically have the Triforce of Power since he has Aidon under a mind control spell anyway---"

The torch Zelda was holding suddenly burned out. She tried to light it back up, to no avail. "It won't set fire!"

Link and Zelda felt a slight breeze and a tiny whirring noise come from behind them, and jumped.

They both shouted in unison as they were turning around. "Who's there?!"

They didn't see anything, but they definitely heard something.

The all too familiar voice replied, "Nice to see you again. I've been waiting for you!"


Staff member

Chapter VIII


Back at Hyrule Castle, the Royal Advisory Staff and Benjamin were trying to come up with a plan for defense.

Benjamin scratched his head as he pondered. "If my guess is even close to being right, the troops of evil would outnumber us by at least a few dozen to one, and that's if we had every man and woman in Hyrule capable of fighting on our side."

Lexus pulled on her long black hair as two trains of thought were racing throughout her mind, one thinking about her friend Zelda and the other of how Hyrule or the rest of the world could possibly withstand an attack of this magnitude. "Benny, you know not every man and woman are going to fight. And then we still have to factor in that a lot of the Evil Realm inhabitants are either easily twice the size of the biggest Hylian, or can use magic power."

Lance nodded acknowledging the point his sister brought up. "On paper, we don't have any chance of successfully defending our peaceful land. But we do have our faith in the Triforce and in the three Goddesses. We could try to summon them and ask for their blessing, or even for a helping hand."

Delina, sobbing all the way through her words, added, "I don't think that will do us any good. We'll have no choice but to surrender, but those evil assholes won't have any mercy for us whatsoever. They probably won't even think a second thought about killing---" Delina stopped before she finished the sentence and covered her eyes with her hands.

Ander yawned apathetically and certainly didn't have a problem showing his impatience and vanity. "Why don't we hurry up and get through with this? I need to go admire the unmatched elegance and handsomeness of myself. Speaking of myself, what happened to the planning of my wedding to Zelda?"

Alexandria's expression definitely showed that she wanted to tear Ander's head off after what he said. She pushed her pink ponytailed hair behind her back and spoke out against Ander. "I can't believe you have the audacity to think about yourself or your so-called wedding with Princess Zelda when there's not likely to be any wedding. First, she does not want to marry you. Secondly, the world as we know it is probably going to change for the worse very soon, as in we are all going to die if we don't come up with something in time. Can you get that through your thick skull? Oh, that also includes Princess Zelda, in case you didn't know. Weren't you paying attention when the King and Link were explaining her prophecies? Are you even paying attention to this meeting, Tamiron?"

Ander chuckled. "Oh, did I hear my famous, noble name? You can feel free to call me the Royal Prince Tamiron you know, since the wedding's planning has already been started by my soon-to-be father-in-law, the King himself. You surely wouldn't defy your own King, would you?"

Benjamin slammed his gauntlets on table. "I've had enough of this. Tamiron, get your ass out. If all you're going to do is space out and think about yourself and how high up you are in your little fantasy dream world, then you can go to your own damn room where you can feel free to go f*ck yourself. We have business to take care of, not that you've really given a cow pie about business ever since you were born!"

Instead of listening to Benjamin, Ander was humming to himself combing his fingers through his long, thin red hair.

Benjamin growled violently, jumped up out of his chair and stormed over to the other side of the table where Ander sat. "Would you please get up out of your chair and take your bloody carcass out of this room?"

Ander ignored him, taking a file out of his pocket and smoothing down his finger nails.

Benjamin repeated, "GET up out of your goddamn chair, and GET THE HELL OUT!"

Ander yawned again, then Benjamin wrapped both hands around Ander's neck, picked him up out of the chair and dragged him out of the room, shutting and locking the door behind him.

Alexandria rolled her eyes and sighed. "I don't know how he's not out on the streets begging children for candy. He doesn't have a care in the world, not even for the well being of Zelda whom he wants to marry. Let alone does he have an ounce of compassion or patriotism for the King or this land in his closed mind. There's no doubt, the way I see it, that he's only pushing for this marriage to get in high nobility standing and promote himself socially. Deep down inside, I don't even think the King likes him, but it is practically law that princesses must marry the highest noble outside of the Royal Family, even if he is a snooty bastard."

Benjamin shook his head in disagreement. "That law is almost as old as the planet! I can't believe people still uphold it, especially in this day and age where practically everyone with a mind of their own has declared the right to have their own feelings. Zelda's, of course, being that she doesn't want to marry that punk ass SOB. As for that next highest noble crap, that's just bull. He's about as noble as flatulence at dinner time. If I were you, Alexandria, being the head of the Royal Advisory Staff, I'd advise the King that Tamiron is no good for this castle and should be inducted into servitude, if not thrown out."

Lance added, "I've really grown to dislike that guy. Something in my heart tells me his loyalties are elsewhere, he may even be a spy for Ganondorf."

Delina looked up, flipping her shoulder-length brown hair out of her eyes, and remarked, "We're not getting any farther in the plan of defense, guys."

Lexus folded her hands and sat back as she thought of a simple, yet brilliant idea. "What if we were to summon help from other lands on the planet?"


Link and Zelda sharply inhaled after hearing the voice.

After a moment's contemplation, relief was written all over Link's face. "That's no voice of a green faced, red haired evil dude!"

Link and Zelda relaxed, relieved that there was no danger---yet.

A tiny fairy surrounded in a sphere of bright blue light that illuminated the cave for what looked like miles started spinning around Link and Zelda excitedly and spoke in a squeaky, cheerful voice. "How was my Ganondorf impression?"

Zelda giggled, replying. "Horrible, Navi. Horrible."

Link looked at Zelda with an eyebrow raised. The fairy was Link's guide when he last went on a time travel adventure and saved Hyrule from falling into the evil rule of Ganondorf. Link questioned Zelda telepathically. You two know each other?

Zelda ignored Link and carried on a conversation with the blue fairy. "Have you been watching us the whole time?"

Navi responded, "Not the whole time. Just since I saw the sparks flying from that nasty fight that just happened a few minutes ago. I've been lurking around in this cave ever since I felt an evil aroma coming from it. Ganondorf has been fighting with a little kid called Aidon, who has a gift of being able to create reality from illusion. He's been planning to use Aidon under this mind control spell to break the seal on the Evil Realm for the past few days now. Do you know this kid?"

Zelda nodded. "Yeah, you could say that." Her facial expression turned sad. "To keep a long story short, I've been having prophecies of my death, and in these prophecies, the death was at the hands of Aidon. I don't know if you know this, but Aidon is the descendant of a fourth Goddess, the Goddess of Spirit. When a Goddess decides to end a person's life, it's pretty hard to keep it from happening."

Link added, "But for all we know, those prophecies are an illusion, maybe--"

Navi interrupted, "Oh that's horrible, Zelda! That's exactly what Ganondorf has been ranting about since I started coming down here. There must be a way to prevent it. If we can manage to break the spell on Aidon before he gets you, we might be able to save you. Aidon is fighting to gain control but Ganondorf's power is too strong for him to keep it off for long."

Link spoke up again, "Sorry to butt in on you two girls, but we really need to start trying to enter the Temple of Life to get the Blade of Spirit. It's already 4:00 PM Thursday"

Zelda sighed. "He's right, we should get going. Do you have any idea how we might open these doors, Navi?"

Navi flew over to the doors, inspecting each one for a moment, then squeaked. "I think you have to use your power of the Triforce to open the door. There may be something behind each of them that you can do to open the door to the Blade of Spirit."

Link looked at the back of his hands, noting that the symbol on it matched the door on the right, for the Triforce of Courage.

Link walked up to the door. "I have an idea."

An anxious Zelda walked in front of him, examining the Triforce marking on the door, and asked, "Well what is it?"

Link placed his hand in the center of the large golden Triforce symbol, which suddenly pressed in. Link jerked his hand back, startled. "It moved!" Link exclaimed.

The door began raising, shaking the entire cave with a deafening grinding and rumbling noise. Zelda jumped behind Link. A cloud of dust and smoke cleared, revealing a long brick-laid hallway that had a huge twenty foot gap in the walkway just before what looked like a floor switch. Navi flew inside to take a closer look, followed by Link and Zelda.

The tiny fairy squeaked, "How do you like your Heroes of Time, well done or extra crispy?"

Link, wiping the sweat off his face that was beginning to bead, looked down at the deep pit of the gap to see a bed of fire-breathing eels swimming in a pool of lava. "I'm supposed to jump across this?"

Zelda's mouth dropped wide open. "You're the one with the Triforce of Courage."

Link shook his head. "I feel more like a chicken shit than the Hero of Time at the moment..."

Zelda frowned. "Come on, Link. You single handedly defeated Ganondorf, the King of Evil before. Why can't you jump a twenty foot long gap?"

"It's not the length of the gap that scares me, it's what'll eat me if I don't make it! Somehow I don't think those hot-headed worms would exactly want to form a welcoming committee for me."

The pool of lava began rising. Zelda ran back, shouting. "We don't have much time! Hurry!"

Link put down his shield and sheathed his sword, took a deep breath, clenched his fists and backed up to good distance. He started yelling to build up adrenaline, the Triforce of Courage on the back of his hand gleamed brightly, and he ran at full force, then closed his eyes as he leapt off the edge throwing out his arms to reach for the other side of the gap. Time seemed to slow down to a crawl as he was repeatedly reciting to the Goddesses prayers of grace over and over in his head. The extreme heat emanating from the rising pool full of lava eels was singing the hair on his arms and boiling away the sweat dripping off his face. Link's hands hit the other side of the gap and he grabbed on as tight as his trembling fingers could manage. He moaned in pain as the rest of his body slammed hard into the brick wall and he could feel the tremendous heat from the lava just inches from his boots. Link pulled himself up fast and crawled over towards the floor switch. The lava was rising faster and was only inches away from flooding over into the floor level of the cave.

Navi chimed. "Hurry! Step on the switch!"

Zelda held her breath as Link grabbed the wall and pulled himself up and walked over the switch which made a loud clanking noise just as the lava reached the top of the pit. The pool of lava froze solid, trapping and killing the eels underneath it. A bright glimmering and a short high pitched noise came from behind them. The Triforce of Courage lit up brightly on the raised Triforce platform they were just standing on. Link walked back across the hardened lava floor laughing nervously, and outside the door, which slammed down hard behind the three with a big crashing sound.

"Heh... Well, that was easy wasn't it?" Link let out a deep sigh of relief as he dusted his green tunic off.

Zelda exhaled. "I'm glad you're OK Link, but we'd better hurry and open the other two doors. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen soon."

Link picked up his shield and they walked over to the door on the far left.

A bright flash of red light appeared farther back in the cave. Link and Zelda felt their stomachs churn and twist and their hearts began beating at their chests as a sudden rush of fear came over them. They jumped, and turned to see what happened. Their mouths dropped open, they stopped breathing and dropped to the floor to try to hide. Just in front of the Triforce platform stood a partially see-through image of Ganondorf, facing away from them, completely decked out with bronze armor on his chest and shoulders, wearing a flowing red cape. Across from him, on the other side of the platform, was the child of the Goddess of Spirit, Aidon, with his normal bright blue eyes wide open as he noticed Link, Zelda and Navi.

Link whispered in his shaking voice to the blue fairy that was lighting up the end of the cave that they were at. "Navi, get in my item pouch, he saw us!"

Navi flew inside Link's pouch and dove under his spare shield to block her light from shining out of the bag.

Ganondorf boomed in a strong voice, "What in the hell did you do, Aidon, this Triforce of Courage wasn't glowing when we were here before!"

Aidon's small, innocent voice stammered. "I-I didn't do anything, I swear. But I'll find who did."

Ganondorf scratched his head in amazement. "Maybe Link has something to do with this. Maybe Link was here, and turned the first key to the door to the Temple of Life."

Aidon came up with a brilliant plan. "You can't do anything here because you're still locked away in the Evil Realm. But--hear me out, sir--if you were to give me the Triforce of Power, I could find them and force them to help me complete this puzzle and get to the Temple of Life first where we will be able to take the Blade of Spirit and guarantee our victory over Hyrule."

Link and Zelda quietly gasped. Aidon winked, glancing briefly in their direction. They looked at each other dumbfounded, then communicated telepathically.

Link, what in the hell did he mean by that? Is he on our side?!

We can't trust him! We don't know if he's toying around with us in a mind game trying to get us to think he's going to help us.

Ganondorf cackled. "So you ARE useful for something! Since you seem to have come to your senses now, perhaps I can entrust you with my Triforce of Power."

Ganondorf raised his arms and a large lightning bolt shot up from the ground into him. A spinning Triangle, glowing brightly and emanating a high pitched whining sound, appeared a few inches above his head and slowly hovered over Aidon's, then slightly floated down to the back of his hand, shrinking down to a very tiny size until it almost disappeared.

Ganondorf gave a sinister laugh as his image faded away. "Use it proudly, my loyal apprentice. Don't try anything funny, either. I'll be watching you."

Just as Ganondorf disappeared, their fear tapered off.

Aidon looked at the back of his wrist which now contained the Triforce of Power symbol.

Link and Zelda stood up, and Navi flew out of Link's bag, shaking herself off. Link pulled up his shield and grabbed his sword.

Aidon looked around the platform he was standing on. Before anyone even spoke, Aidon began communicating to them telepathically. I'm not going to kill anyone, and I'm not toying you around in any mind games. I'm sure you heard what I told Ganondorf, well I really am trying to help you, because you need my Triforce of Power to get to the Temple of Life, and Ganondorf wouldn't exactly be cooperative.

Zelda responded with a question. Why aren't you that evil kid I saw in my prophecy? You spoke like Ganondorf and you murdered me. A knot formed at the top of Zelda's throat after the last word.

Ganondorf had me under a mind control spell. He has very strong sorcery power, but I can sometimes fight it off. I've been playing bad guy in hopes that he wouldn't force me into the mind control spell again and I would get you a message soon enough.

Link scoffed as he began walking towards Aidon with his sword ready to slice away at him. Aidon turned away.

Link accused Aidon, I bet Ganondorf's controlling you now, you rotten bastard.

Zelda held Link back, much to his frustration.

Aidon knelt down to the platform with the ancient Hylian scripture written on it, pretending to read it. He doesn't know how to use telepathic messages. If I were under the spell now, I wouldn't be communicating to you, because he'd have complete control over me and wouldn't know how to receive your thoughts.

Zelda inquired the young child again. Do you know who your mother or father is?

Aidon turned to inspect the glowing Triforce of Courage under his feet. I don't have a biological father and I've never seen or heard my mother, but I feel like I know her somehow. The first person I remember seeing is Ganondorf, but I know he's not my father.

Link raised an eyebrow and curiously asked, Why are you ignoring us like that?

Ganondorf sees what I see... if he sees that I know you're here and I'm not doing anything about it, he'll know something's up.

Navi's tiny fairy lungs exerted a sneeze. "oops."

Aidon paused, then stood up. He knows someone's here now, so play along when I start barking orders.

Aidon walked over to where Link and Zelda were standing, staring up at Link with a demanding attitude. "You! How did you light that Triforce?"

Link looked at Zelda with a disgusted expression on his face. Should we really go along with this kid? I mean listen to him. He doesn't even SOUND serious.

Aidon raised his voice. "Answer me!"

Zelda nudged Link with her elbow.

Link clenched his fist around his sword and frowned angrily. "You lay a hand on Zelda and you will regret it for the last 3 seconds of your life you'll have left!"

Aidon contacted him telepathically, That's good, keep acting like that and we'll be fine.

Link shuddered and replied, I'm serious, smart ass!

Aidon unsheathed his shining blue sword, that Zelda recalled was the one used to killed her, and raised it up to Link's neck. "You do not answer my question. That is not a very intelligent choice. If you don't answer me now, you won't have a chance to protect Zelda."

Link's eyes locked onto the sharp blade of the sword and he stuttered nervously as he spoke. "I-I..I just put my hand in the--on the door and it opened, and there was a-a floor switch at the end of the room."

Aidon sent them another message telepathically. Just play along so Ganondorf doesn't take control of me again. He won't try to as long as you listen to me and make it look like I'm not trying to help.

Zelda turned to Link. We don't have much of a choice, Link. Ganondorf will place him under his mind control spell again.

Link quivered with anger, almost shouting his words. Why are you defending him? He's the one that kills you in your dream, remember?!

Like I said, we don't have much of a choice. If Ganondorf suspects anything, he'll take control of Aidon's mind and then he really WILL kill me. Please, just do it, Link. For me?

Half-grumbling, half-smirking, Link commented on the remark with a sigh. I'd do it for you any day... I mean, fine!

Aidon faced the door next to them, for the Triforce of Wisdom, and shouted. "Zelda. Open this one!"

Zelda hesitantly touched her hand briefly to the center of the Triforce symbol and was greeted startlingly by another tremendous rumbling noise as the door scraped across the rock wall and lifted off the ground to reveal large glass wall sections, each containing a pack of horned Wolfos. Zelda's heart skipped a beat as she turned back around to face Link.

"You're not going in there, Zelda! You'll be killed!"

"Link, give me a sword and shield, I'm going in there."

Aidon growled. "Spare me your lovers quarrel and get on with the show!"

Zelda grinned mischievously and told Link, If you don't give me a sword and shield, you won't get to see more of me, you horny little devil.

Link's face lit up as he sat down his own sword and shield and grabbed his bag, shuffling through it to dig out his old Hero Shield and the tiny Kokiri sword he used a few years ago in Termina. Dusting them off, he handed the items to Zelda, and picked his Great Fairy sword and Hylian shield back up.

"You'll need some practice with that sword and shield before you go in there."

Zelda shook her head. "I don't need practice."

Link readied his shield and planted his feet to balance his weight. "Swing the sword at me."

"I don't want to hurt you!"

Link shouted. "SWING THE SWORD AT ME NOW!"

Zelda mumbled something and swung her sword as hard as she could, resulting in a loud CLANK as the blade came into contact with Link's shield.

Link lowered his shield and raised his sword. "Raise your shield and put your feet in a diagonal position."

Zelda slid one foot a few steps back and held out her shield in front of her, cringing in wait of the impact. Link swung and made direct contact with the shield, nearly throwing Zelda off balance.

"That tingled a lot."

Link nodded and spoke. "Now just block me with your shield as you try to get me with your sword."

Before he could raise his shield, Zelda slashed Link across his chest. "Oh no, I'm sorry!"

"I'm fine," Link began, putting away his sword and clutching his bleeding wound. "Agh, nice one. Where'd you learn that slash technique?"

"I took a few fencing lessons a while back---"

Thunderous slamming noises coming from the hallway in front of them interrupted them. Link turned his attention to the end of the hallway.

"OK, enough practice! Those walls are coming down. Whatever you're going to do you should probably hurry it up! Good luck, Zelda!"

Zelda filled her lungs with air as her Triforce of Wisdom activated. She walked into the hallway and sung something in ancient Hylian. A pink ball of light flashed at her slippers and she started to levitate just as the last wall fell to the floor. The Wolfos strangely completely ignored everyone except Zelda. She kept rising into the air until she was near the ceiling, then walked cautiously on air past the raging and horned Wolfos who were scratching at her feet. One Wolfos climbed on top of another and leapt straight towards her in a desperate attempt at goring her in mid-air and preventing her from reaching the switch. Zelda, terrified, closed her eyes and swung her sword blindly, beheading the Wolfos who then fell to the floor of the hallway, deprived of life. After a few minutes, Zelda had reached the switch. She dropped herself and fell to the floor groaning in pain and hitting the switch. The hallway floor fell away, leaving the Wolfos to howl just before they fell into the pool of lava full of fire-breathing eels below. Zelda levitated herself and walked over the large gap to the other side, then lowered back to the floor, dropped her sword and shield, exhausted, and fell into Link's arms as the door slammed down hard behind her.

The Triforce of Wisdom on the large platform shone brightly and illuminated the cave more.

Link, astounded, stuttered, "H-how did--how did you do that?"

Zelda was ecstatic that she made it out alive although she was out of breath from heavily using her magic power. She reached into Link's bag, grabbed a bottle of magic potion, pulled off the cork and chugged down the green fluid. Her skin glowed as she was rejuvenated with magic energy.

Well, I know Wolfos aren't too smart. I figured if I levitated into the air, most of them wouldn't think of jumping off of one another like that one whose head I sliced off, and thus I wouldn't have much trouble getting to the other side.

Aidon walked over to the door for the Triforce of Power communicating telepathically. Very wise.

"I just place my hand in the center, like this?"

Before Link or Zelda could answer, Aidon had placed his hand in the center of the Triforce marking and the door raised. Beyond the hallway in the large room stood two heavily armored knights easily three times Aidon's size, one silver and one golden.

The silver knight spoke in a deep voice that sent echoes back and forth through the large room. "It seems our next victim will be a young child bearing the Triforce of Power."

The golden knight unsheathed his large sword and responded. "He will regret this day, the one who dares enter our domain!"


Staff member
Chapter 9 was nearing completion until I had to leave

I haven't given up on this thing yet :p

I can hear the scoffs... "Man, you suck at this, just let the post die off NOW"


Staff member

Chapter IX


"It's a long shot, your Highness," Alexandria began, "but if we can somehow pull it off, we may be able to defeat the evil army."

The King sat back in his throne stroking his beard in thought.

Lance explained the Royal Advisory Staff's plan further, "Hyrule does not stand a chance against the Evil Realm alone, however if we sought help from the other lands on the planet, the possibility of survival becomes a reality. For example, the land of Termina is not too far away, and a close source has disclosed to us that their guard force has been increasing two-fold about every year ever since an encounter they had years ago with an evil mask bringing the moon down on their land. They would be a great ally in the defense force against evil."

Ander stomped into the throne room, flustered, and shouted interruptingly, "I demand that these five people are beheaded immediately! They deliberately defied my order to continue with the planning of my wedding to Zelda, they disrespected me by not calling me by my proper name of Royal Prince Tamiron, and they even forcibly removed me from the room and continued their evil, blasphemous discussions!"

Alexandria scoffed. "First of all, you are in NO position to give us orders, and you are in NO position to demand yourself be called 'Prince' anything. We ceased planning of the wedding when the whole thing about Hyrule being in danger of destruction was thrown at us. Of course, you wouldn't know a thing about it because the only person you were paying attention to was yourself. Ever since you got this wacky idea in your head that you were going to marry Princess Zelda, you've been nothing but a self-centered, self-righteous arrogant prick that takes advantage of people. If it was up to me, you would be exiled into outer space in a heartbeat!"

Harkinian grew angry. "Tamiron, remove yourself from my throne room and do not enter it again. I have neither the patience nor the time to decide what to do with you at the moment."

Ander cocked his head and arrogantly defied the King. "I will NOT leave until these five people are removed from this castle. Do you realize how long it took me to fix the damage that guard did to my hair, and to my wonderful, beautiful body?"

King Harkinian motioned for two throne room guards to remove Ander. He tried pushing them away, but was convinced otherwise as one threatened to swiftly thrust his spear through Ander's neck.

As he was being taken away, Ander shouted, "You haven't heard the last of me! Mark my words, I will have them beheaded!"

After the door closed, Alexandria shook her head, shifted her posture and said, "Your Highness, I would like to formally advise you that Tamiron is no good for this castle, and I am making a request that he be dismissed from service, for the following two reasons: First, he never holds the best interests of your kingdom in mind. Secondly, he gives the noble class a bad name through his arrogance, conceit, and disrespect towards everything that does not concern himself or his social standing."

The King frowned. "I shall consider the request, Alexandria, and rest assured he will not likely be the one favored by my ultimate decision. Such a pathetic man he is, that Tamiron. To tell you the truth, I'm becoming more and more attracted to the idea of beating his face in myself. Ah well. As I was going to say before we were so rudely interrupted, forming alliances with other militaries worldwide does sound like a viable option and I wholeheartedly agree that we should try to do this. However, how will we be sure that they will feel the same? As I recall, the last time we encountered the military of another land, thousands of lives were lost and the valuable air of peace felt the aftershocks of the war for years."

Benjamin spoke. "Connections, your Majesty--I've befriended a few people in high places over the years as I was travelling around the world in search for my son. I believe I am speaking for every one of them when I say that they would want to do whatever they can to prevent evil from taking over the planet, despite any grudges against the Hyrule army that they may have."

Lexus added, "It is kind of a big favor to ask to pull together all the armies of the world, but we figured it was our only other chance to live. Either way, we will have to be favored largely by the Goddesses, especially if Ben doesn't succeed in bringing together any allies."

Harkinian asked, "What is our other option, if that is hypothetically the case and we cannot form enough alliances?"

Delina opened her mouth to speak but could only utter a soft whimper.

Alexandria looked at Lance, Lexus, Delina and Benjamin, and back to the King. She frowned, sighed, and said, "Surrender to the evil forces and hope to the Goddesses that as many lives as possible are spared."


Aidon pulled out his shining sword and thick shield, put on his game face and confidently bellowed, "You fatass knights are going to find out just what the Triforce of Power is capable of!"

He ran through the long hallway into the large battle room where the two knights stood. The silver knight's heavy armor, silver sword and shield looked to weigh enough to crush the human skeleton, and the other knight's spiked golden-yellow chest plate was polished off finely and shimmered in the dim light of the four torches around the room. Just then, the top Triforce mark on the back of Aidon's hand began to glow brilliantly and thunderous rumblings shook away loose pebbles from the ceiling of the cave as Aidon was transformed into a huge ten foot tall man with metallic-blue armor surrounding his upper torso, claws on the back of his hand and spikes shooting out of his shoulders. His white hair turned silver and shone brightly from the light coming from the torches and from the reflection off of the golden knight's huge armor. The look in his eyes was one of vicious animosity and his entire body trembled with fury as he raised his sword above his head and brought it down with authority, cracking the ground with enough force to create a gap between the middle of the room just large enough to prevent the knights from jumping across.

Aidon's voice was deeper as if using the Triforce of Power sent him aging years ahead of the age of ten. His very body language expressed his massive bloodlust as he spoke, walking towards the silver knight. "Prepare to meet your doom."

The silver knight raised his shield as Aidon charged towards him screaming. Aidon's sword met the knight's shield with a deafening clank and the force of the blow nearly caused the silver knight to lose his balance. The knight countered with a low swing and Aidon evasively jumped back. They engaged in a fierce sword fight that continued with huge sparks flying throughout the room visible all the way back to where Link and Zelda were standing. Then, Aidon put extreme force into thrusting his sword which penetrated the silver knight's armor and continued forward inside the knight's flesh and blood making an ear-piercing scraping noise as it glided along the split metal armor. Aidon slowly twisted his sword and pulled it out which was now covered in thick, viscuous green blood with some chunks of the diced internal organs of the knight. The knight, still standing, was then kicked down by Aidon as he jumped across the gap to face the golden knight.

"I assure you that I will not be so easy to defeat," came the words from the monotonous, synthetic voice of the golden knight.

Aidon tried pulling his shield in front of himself but was too late. The huge, heavy sword swung by the golden knight came down hard on his face, throwing him back a few feet and causing blood to start pouring down his face, blocking his eyesight. Empowered by his instinct alone, Aidon began swinging at the knight furiously. The force of his blows were throwing the knight around like a sack of potatos. The knight swung his sword again, grazing Aidon along the chest and leg. Aidon growled in pain, drew his sword behind him and concentrated. A bright blue light began emanating from the sword itself, and Aidon spun around, creating an intense blue arc around him. The knight was thrown into the wall with such velocity that it left cracks in the stone barrier.

The knight's voice was fading and he was staggering towards the pit in the center of the room. "It. It... It cannot be. This armor was built to be invincible... How can I be defea---"

He tripped and fell into the pit, exploding as he made contact with the extremely hot pool of lava, just as a platform slid over the gap with a floor switch at the end. Slowly, Aidon wiped the blood away from his eyes and limped across the floor switch.

Link and Zelda turned around to see the final Triforce light up.

Aidon was slowly phasing out of awareness as a lot of his blood was being lost trickling down his face. He nearly lost balance, then grabbed a hold of the wall, dragging himself outside of the room. The door slammed behind him, and Aidon fell to the ground, losing consciousness.