Spirit went home


Staff member
Sorry, thats gotta be rough watching her leave...:wave:

have a couple of :beerchug: and get happy now!!!


What does this mean? Spirit went home? I'm confused by that statement.:confused:

I got a feeling my buddy Vic will want to know too.


Staff member
Where's here?...and why didn't she post while she was there? You're being kinda stingy with the details iron....we need more information. Where is spirit now? When will she be posting again? Why don't you post more often? C'mon dude...spit it out.:worm:

Vic is one of our more well spoken upper eschelon type members...he seems to have the hots for our favorite kissy goddess.


Kissy Goddess
Hey dudes & dudettes

I was down in the beautiful state of Montana visiting iron. I was there for about 9 days and now I am home.

Hmm... no one missed me????? Now wait just a doll gern minit heyah....


so.... here I am.... :( think I'll :beerchug: and :cry: unless someone wants to make me :lol: ????


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
YEA, the kissy goddess has returned. The first pos tinthis thread looked ominous & we all were worried about you so-

ON YOUR KNEES-you're home:grin:


Girl, your crony almost gave me conniptions. So sorry my sweets that my other lady friends have kept the smoothest sweet-man occupied in recent times. I, VictorP blows you a kiss and embraces you back into to the throng.:wave:


New Member
Sorry- didn't mean to mess with anybodies head.
Got a bad back that goes out sometimes and life is hell then- typing on my knees at the moment.
So the op was maybe longer on brevity than it needed to be.

wow, I just saw the jjoke in that last line.....:)

Even laid up, I still got it....heh...


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by VictorP
I, VictorP blows you a kiss and embraces you back into to the throng.:wave:

embrace her back in a THONG too ;)


Kissy Goddess
Trinity1.... trinity trinity trinity...... *smooch* are you married? :lurk: :D

Vic..... darling.... those other ladies don't hold a candle to me and you know it............... ( :sick: heehheheh) you missed me.... c'mon... you can break down and cry now.... I am fine.

Gonzo..... hi ya baby.... :) :wave:
I like thongs.... oh hey.... iron..... by the way.... I think I left something there..... buwahahahahahahaaa!!!! I need a new thong collection.... anyone hip to donating?

Hey Q...... I actually missed y'all.... :(

Neo...... damn you're handsome. I know.. has nothing to do with anything here.... but I had to say it sooner or later.

s4..... I am home.... well.... not *home*.... but here. I will flir... I mean talk to you later, maybe tonight...


SWM 40 seeking truth
Re: It was damn close SPIRIT!

Originally posted by trinity1
:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

I didn't know you were a "GASPER" Trin. Looks like your a charter member of the "Jerk yer tool and die" club!


SWM 40 seeking truth
Originally posted by Neo
WOW :scared: Someone actually thinks Im handsome!
Thanks Spirit...

Cool... the other day someone (Q I think) said you and I look alike (except for the "goat"). Therefore, I too am handsome and not overly embarrased by the fact that I had to mention it myself. :(