Soo... what did ya get.


Staff member
for christmas? hardware, software. what tell me i gots to know.
I might have to tell the wife. "see they got..." i need stuff like that too.


Staff member
A bathrobe:eh:

oh and some coffee mugs.

Better not use me as an example:)

oh yeah, mom & dad gave me $500.00 and a week later the timimg chain puked on my cost $490.00:cry:


My parents got me a matching set comforter/sheets/curtains for one of my bedrooms.

I bought myself a new DVD player a few weeks ago cause my Sony sucked.

That's all I got :cry2:

I got my parents each a 1250 minute ATT phone card

My son: paid the $350 to get his license back

My daughter: well....she said she wanted some smurf collectible stuff...pft....yeah right...... just got her a gift card.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
I got some dvds and clothes. Nothing puter related :cry2:

The big giant hershey kiss might come in handy though...


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
3 flannel shirts (sexy in the snow), a pair of sweatpants (my favorite winter clothes) & a $50. Best Buy gift card. (should I tell her $50. ain't much at BB?) :D


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
I got a battery powered screwdriver. Why she got me this instead of a rechargable one is beyond me. New blue MS keyboard to go with my blue MS mouse, a cheap ass pen and pencil set from her parents (thank god they live in Texas....), and a big ass meat and cheese thingie from Hickory Farms. This I like. :) Also got a couple hundred CDR blanks, some socks and a t-shirt.

Got the wife person a new monitor, a sexy new garter belt :evillaff: , and some other new perfume. Got her a bouquet of roses too.

Build the kids a new computer and told the little creatures to quit asking mom if they could use hers. :lol:


New Member
I got diamond earrings and tennis bracelet :D :D :D

I wouldn't tell her that if I were you though sammy! :eek:


Bunch of hoodies and shirts, Polo Sport cologne, $165.

and I forgot to put a piece back on my car, and it was (my luck) a piece that kept the crankshaft from moving the pistons into the valves. smart move, kyle. #2 piston = boom


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
GeForce 4 Ti4200
Master of Orion 3 (pre-ordered)
very nice down comforter
fuzzy bathrobe
flannel pajama bottoms
DVD player (shared with the wife)
a case of beer.


Staff member
Lots of clothes
50 pack of 40x CD-R's
Some action figures and toys
$25 worth of gift certificates


Staff member
man i got a coat. i think i got ripped....
Les im not gonna tell her what you got. :D


Everday People
1. 19" ViewSonic monitor

2. Liteon 52x24x52 cd-writer was this or the Plextor and went with this one and am very happy with it burning at 52x and going well.

3. 56k cd-rom Benq Never heard of it either!

4. 40GB Maxtor 7200 rpm HD

5. Work gave me an early gift by cutting my salary by 10k a year because of the accident I had I never can return to the type of work I was doing so am a shipping clerk for now until I figure out what a guy going on 55 with 25 years at one company will do next which is a very limited field at that. Other wise I had a great Christmas and hope all of you did as well. Remember no matter how bad you "think" you have it there is always someone who is far worse off than yourself so be happy life is to short.BD