Smartie Pants


Kissy Goddess
Who can answer this?

What word is missing from the following sequence:

begin, inch, chapel, elastic ____?____ cellar, arisen, end


Staff member
the last two letters of the previous word make up the first two letters of the next word...took me about 2 minutes.

what do I win? :D


Kissy Goddess

OH!!!! *duh*

Ok... I think what I might do to make things fun around here is start a thread (or keep this one?) and call it "Smartie Pants".

I will present a question and the first person to get it right will win a box of "Smarties"... but you have to explain your answer and how you got it.

I can only do this about once a month, and I will ship the prize off myself.

Y'all in?

Hmmmmm...... maybe there's a flaw here..


Staff member
Ok, I'm in. The only flaw I can see is: I never really win anything. Fuser owes me a car and a dvd player, I'm also owed various assorted other things which I never got. I'd be kinda disappointed if I started getting stuff now. :D

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah

I'm the one who the DVD player is coming to. I was the one who was going to test it for 5 years, THEN you can have it.

and you're still not getting my car.


Staff member
begin, inch, chapel, elastic ____?____ cellar, arisen, end

icicle does NOT fit there, sorry.

It does indeed start with ic, but the first two letters of cellar are ce

My guess would be ice


Staff member
Iceberg lettuce is two words...and there is no word that starts with ic and ends with ce, except ice. However all the other words in the sequence use the first two letters of the previous word, with the last two letters making up the next word, so technically the missing word should be at least 4 letters long.

...and since my incorrect word was accepted.....I WIN! :D
what do I get?


Staff member
Originally posted by Q
Iceberg lettuce is two words...and there is no word that starts with ic and ends with ce, except ice. However all the other words in the sequence use the first two letters of the previous word, with the last two letters making up the next word, so technically the missing word should be at least 4 letters long.

...and since my incorrect word was accepted.....I WIN! :D
what do I get?
Technically, there is nothing against using a three-letter word, and technically, it DOES contain ic as the first two letters and ce as the last two letters, so technically I WIN


Staff member
The fact remains, my incorrect word was still accepted first. I WIN!!!

what do I get?


Staff member
where did Spirit ever say your answer was accepted? She just asked how you got your answer. :p


Staff member
Originally posted by Spirit

OH!!!! *duh*
Right here. In this case OH!!! <-----all excited like that, followed by *duh* is a definate indication of acceptance. :p