

this is my special title
Is there any scientific test that can prove whether a given object exists? For example the computer in front of me - I can see it touch it and hear it but I could do all this with the computer in my dream last night and that didn't really exist; or did it?


Official Wine Taster
No, it's jus' electrical impulses being sent to yer brain tellin' ya that it's "real". (I sawThe Matrix too, bro.) Per'aps the question 'ere is, can we believe everythin' our brains tell us?;)


Staff member
Electrical impulses may produce the SENSE of touch, sight, smell, hearing, and taste, but the physical action of touch requires that an object, such as a computer, produces some sort of reaction for the object to actually exist. Reactions include preventing your hand from advancing past the surface for solid objects, displacing the volume of the object if it is liquid, and disturbing the object if it is a gas.


Staff member
dont think so me on this I have taken both the red and the blue pills...:D


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
We're all just figments of 75Renegades imagination, so nothing exists outside these boundries.:bs: