Rich people suck



I decided to post this because it came up in chat, and I had nothing better to do than get people going here.

I am of the opinion that rich people suck. I am not talking about upper middle class or anything of the sort. I am talking about the super rich.

All they care about is their money. I am sure there are some nice ones out there and there are exceptions to what I am saying, but in general I just think they are a bunch of arrogant assholes that only care about themselves and their money.


Staff member
That is generally how they got to where they are, by not caring about anyone except themselves.

How does one expect to make any money anyway without being at least a little selfish?

It's just that the super rich are super selfish. Thus the majority of them being arrogant assholes.


We could change the focus of the topic some. Do you think that anyone that tries to get ahead in life has to be selfish to get what they want? Is it possible to be a nice guy and still get somewhere in life without fucking other people over? I used to think so, but now I'm not so sure. I know people have sure screwed me over in the past.


Staff member
In this age, it is very, VERY difficult to be the nice guy and still get far ahead.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Well, they may be rich and wel known, but then are they happy? They may be happy with themselves, but then haow many people really care about them. When I get old, I don't want my kids to throw me in some old folks hhome and forget about me. I can almost guarantee this will happen to these rich putz's. Forgotten about by everyone because of what they have done to them. ANd the older you get the more of an asshole you become when you start out that way.

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
I think it also depends on how they are rich, such as compare a CEO of a major company to its owner. The CEO works a hell of a lot more and has a ton of responsibilites and gets rich because of his job, but the owner just sits back and watches the pennies avalanche in.

BTW, I have personally met the CEO of Walgreens, and he seemed nice in the one chance I had to talk to him, he wasn't arrogant or snobby or anything like that. He had many nice things to say about our new store, which I spent 4 weeks to help set up. I heard one story about when he went to visit a store and a long time employee there had lost her pin (I think it was for 25 years or something like that), and he gave her his, which had a diamond in it and was certainly a much more extravagant pin than the pin she had before.

Also, in case anyone does care, the CEO makes 2.2 mil a year.


I said there are exceptions.

See I started this topic with a rash generalization in the hopes that someone would come along saying 'how can you lump all these people in one catagory?' and 'what does that mean they suck, that's an ignorant statement' or something to those effects. I just wanted get people involved in posting, not necessarily to cast expletives towards those snobby assed cocksuckers that got all the money.:D


^ bored.
s4 said:
Do you think that anyone that tries to get ahead in life has to be selfish to get what they want?

If you don't screw other people, you'll get screwed yourself :)

I don't know people who are that rich, so I don't know how they are... I think you can be rich and nice, it all depends on which people you're being nice to :). Hey, you can't be nice to everybody right, so screw them :p


Kissy Goddess
I think rich people are all different. You just find out what cloth thier cut from the more priviledged they are. Some come from truly humble beginnings who had to work hard to get to where they are. Some inherit unexpectedly and don't know how to handle there riches. Some can't wait for thier elders to pass on so they can spend thier money. *blech*

But what happens is unappreciation for how they got there. Parents who spoil thier kids and allow much too much leniency and are far to liberal so the kids grow up not appreciating hard work.. and I think it snowballs from there.

Attitude of the rich? I am not rich, so I am not an expert, however, I suspect they have a lot of people claiming to be thier long lost bestfriend/relative or many charities hounding them. I would imagine after a while, you develope a thick skin and it would be easy for us to label them as arrogant.

I strongly believe your attitude towards money and how you came about becoming rich will shape how you are to others with/without the same comforts.


I agree Spirit that those things have a lot to do with it.

I'll give you an example of what I am talking about. There was a store today that had signs all over that said Liquidation sale. They said everything has to go. I went in there and they wanted $2000 for a couch. One of the salesman looked like he was completely disgusted that I came in there. He actually thought about telling us to get out. It was clear that he thought just because I wasn't dressed up that I was trash. Their ad was a lie. They had a lamp for $498. They weren't selling anything cheap like what was indicated on their sign.


Kissy Goddess
"Liquidation Sale" should really mean "cheap marguaritas".

Unfortunately, they want to clear out the old and bring in the new and trick those who have no thought process into believing they are getting a great deal.

When I managed a clothing store, I went to meetings and often the big guns were there. One lady (call her...Mary) told a story of how she witnessed one of the salesclerks snubbing a lady who was dressed in sweats, runners and a sweatshirt. The clerk figured she would be wasting her time on someone who wouldn't pass on a good commission. Well, Mary approaches her and turns out that this lady bought over $7,000 in clothes for her and her doughter!!! HUGE commision for Mary.

There will always be "holy-than-thou" people in this world. What goes around comes around.. old, but true.


Staff member
I have seen first hand the 2 types of rich "super rich" people and their attitudes towards people and employees.

I had a "friend" that was very rich. mansion, mercedes, and all the goodies.
He worked very hard for his money but treated friends and family like shit. treated everyone like they wanted his money. when all most really wanted was to really be his friend.
Now he has moved and lost his mansion, and his real friends.
I have another friend that is also very rich but he is very sensible and knows how to treat his friends. He realizes that we dont want to take his money from him and we go out and have a great time.

As for the saying nice guys finish first, the jury is still out on that for me.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
The makers of money are, surprisingly, usually from less than ideal backgrounds. They frequently, if not usually are ok to deal with. It's the subsequent generations that make rich guys look bad.

Whether it's business, music, acting or some other high-money involved occupation, it takes an incredible amout of single-minded focus to get there. They are so bent on the end that just about anything is justified.

Why is it okay to say "rich people suck" but it's bad to say "Blacks are bad" or "Hispanics are lazy"? Never, ever cluster an entire group into one category. It ain't right.:eh:


Staff member
I like rich people who aren't snobs, assholes, egotistical jackasses, etc... basically those who are like Neo referred to his sensible rich friend. Rich people who are like the other kind that Neo referred to suck.


Staff member
True. I'm just kinda burned out and can't think straight after posting 300 times within 12 hours.


this is my special title
Professur said:
Hey Unc. You gonna let they say you suck, and let them away with it?
They say that I suck all of the time. I'm just glad to see tham qualify it with at least a half assed reason for once. ;)