Question about my cat


Staff member
I never noticed this before, but it looks like there are a couple of spots where her fur is thinning on her face, just under her ears (on both sides, but from facing her, the side on the left has a thinner patch of fur than on the one on the right)

She is quite old (I'm guessing about 15-16 years), so I'm not sure if this is just because of age or if this is something I should be concerned about and call a veterinarian about


Staff member
I don't scratch her there at all, and I haven't seen her scratch there either. The most I've ever known her to do to those spots in the past (when the fur was still thick) was just lick her paw and rub it against the side of her face.

It may be feline acne...?


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
My in-laws had to take their cat in today-she's about 13 years old(64 in human equivalence)...some kinda liver disorder because of age. Take her in, just to be sure.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Our oldest has the same problem. In addition he's losing his teeth. Poor thing. The vet said maybe a year left. He's about 16 or 17 now.


Staff member
I think that sounds normal flurf, shedding critters do have places where the hair is pretty scarce. Around the ears is one of them. Where Choppers ears attach to his head has very little hair and since the hair there is black and his skin is pink, it looks kinda wierd, but it's been like that since he was a baby puppy.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Not to worry fury. We know he's getting really old and anticipate that he's going to die soon. We got him about 7 or 8 years ago from the pound. He's an extrememly loving cat and never ever uses his claws on you when he wants to be held. Why the previous owner got rid of him I'll never understand. He's an extremely loving cat and is kind enough to share his bed with us. :) He's always gotta be with us in bed. Sometimes this can be kinda annoying if ya know what I mean. hehehe


Staff member
Yup, my cat also seems to get up on me at the wrong times (mostly when I'm eating) as well. I love her though... couldn't ask for a sweeter cat in the world, even though she bites me all the time :eek:

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
<sigh> Reading all of this I'm missing my cat now! :( We had to give him a help in dying 4 years ago. He had 17 years and got intestine cancer :( I never wanted to have a cat again...


Staff member
Noite!!! welcome back dude!! How are things going? Job market working to your advantage yet?


Staff member
I might get to do that when i retire at 90 years old...But what a dream:D


hahahaha fury...,you're so fucking obsessed with something as stupid as a fucking cat... can't believe you're that pathetic... motherfucker lol.... just let the little bitch die already... get a real animal like a hooker or an ape such as one from afghanistan or something... make it do tricks, hahaha....


Staff member
Now there's something... Instead of a cat whom I've had for 16 years, who does not stink, does not have any diseases, is litter-box trained, and has the clinically proven power to lower blood pressure, I should pick up a disease-infested hooker who probably charges more per second for sex than 1-900-wet-tits charges per minute for talk, and is looser than the grand freakin canyon, or an ape who probably shits all over the place and could pick me up and toss me a few hundred feet...

Only seclusion could come up with that kind of reasoning :rolleyes:

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
My cat's about 13 years old, and I'm gonna have to take her in soon, she's been scratching her ears so much that she's cutting herself up, and has some nasty looking scabs by her ears. She might have a skin disorder or something, I don't know. She might need one of those lampshade things that prevents her from scratching her head. It hurts to see her like that. :(:cry:
I admit, it is not a cat, but my rabbit is also very fluffy and sweet :D
Had some problems with his eyes, nasty stuff coming out of it and so forth....:(

But I'm glad he's oke now, have him for more than 5 years now, and I am really attached to him :)

Maybe I'll get a German Shepard in the near future...a lot of more fun than rabbits, but a lot of more time involved...

BTW ~ Hope your cat will be OK fury!


Staff member
Thanks all. I think my cat still has a few years left in her, because we've always (well, 99.9% of the time :D) taken good care of her and played with her. She's still playful and somewhat active, she's not nuts or going blind or running into walls or anything, so the vet thinks that she still has a long way to go before it's time to put her down. :)

SL: Sorry to hear that about your cat :(