Pollage, need your opinion

Which one do you like better?

  • Ice Cool

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • Red on Grey (old style)

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Red and Mustard on Grey

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters


Staff member
There's a new theme in the works, called Ice Cool. (<a href="usercp.php?s=">user cp</a> \ <a href="member.php?s=&action=editoptions">options</a> \ Style Set)

I've been working on it for about a week or so, customizing all the buttons and changing the layout so that it looks unique. (As of this posting, the <a href="index.php?s=">forum home</a> page, <a href="forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=7">forum display</a> page, and <a href="showthread.php?s=&threadid=2000">thread display</a> page are the only pages that have been customized, but I plan on customizing each and every template in vBulletin)

What I want your opinions about is what style looks better. I know that xibase has been red on grey for most of its second life so to speak, and more recently, red and "mustard" on grey, but I just wanted to ask what everyone thinks. Suggestions as to what would make it better are more than welcome.

And don't hold back, I don't want anyone sugarcoating anything to try to make me feel better. If it looks like crap, SAY it looks like crap, don't say "It's a very well polished collection of feces. But very good feces, very very good feces *hides from the monitor throwing monster*". :D


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
A scrolling marguee across the top of the home page that links to the latest threads if that's possible.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Xibase IS red on grey--the others are nice, they just aren't Xi


Staff member
Ice, Ice, Baby!

brainsoft says the all the gold looks too much like Hard|OCP


Staff member
I think I agree with Gonzo and brainsoft actually. I mean don't get me wrong I LOVE the colours of the Ice one but it's just not Xibase. Red and grey are Xibase and that's what I'm gonna stick with.
I'm sorry fury, but I can't really say I like it....it kinda hurts my eyes when looking at it for more than a few minutes.

I'll stick with the good ol' XiBase style, red and grey with blue links :)


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
What you might want to do is modify the buttons on the red page to appear like the buttons on the Ice cool page. See how that looks..might be a nice change.


I hate to say it but I had to switch to the old style myself. Late last night I was surfing the web, and it was too dark to read for very long at a time.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Another thing is the font itself. The font, I believe it's Tahoma, that you use for Ice cool is much nicer than the font used by the default theme...I hate to say that as MS owns that one.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
You made a good working on all of them fury, but I have to agree with all the folk that say: Xibase is red on grey. I like the "mustard" logo though.


^ bored.
An icy theme would be a good idea I think, I'm not emotionally dependant on the red-grey look or anything, but this theme does hurt my eyes.

I think what an ice theme needs is a smooth appearance, yet keep a little bit of contrast to make it easy to spot the different parts. With the current theme that's simply too hard...


Hey, maybe have a contest, let people design one page and give away a lifetime supply of karma to the winner ;)


Staff member
I'm going with the ice blue theme for awhile. However, I like the option to be able to switch back, if I change my mind.


New Member
I'm gonna switch to Ice Cool right now ... and probably leave it there 'til I get my lazy butt to switch it back :D