Perpetual Welcome Thread


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Welcome, enjoy yourself & hurry with the pizza & beer, we're famished

ABOUT TIME:beerchug: :D


Staff member
:wave: HIYA Greenie. I've been reading your stuff over at JJR's for a while (sporadically). I always enjoy it. Welcome.


New Member
Aww, you've got root beer! I came home yesterday, kind of craving for some (not really, just had an urge to have some for later tonight) and can you believe it? Someone drank all Barg's Root Beer!!!

AHHHHHHHHHHHH Let all hell break loose!!!! I'm serious! No more Root beer for ME!!!! :eek:

:: pictures the empty bottle, the last horror scene he can remember that day::

Oh, well. Run down to Harvest Foods this weekend and get some business fixed up. ;)

Aye, stories of the past; if I can remember the past. Me and sin2; that was a LONG time back, back when they didn't have the X-Box (whenever that was). I'm kind of sore recollecting the days of the founding development of XiBase; I contributed very little, and yet, my footprints hardly show anymore. But, for story's sake, yes, it makes me proud realizing that my past efforts in helping out the true builders of this site did not entirely go down to waste. Every new-founding organization has little space for deduction and finite space for production. You, s4, are an example of one of those fine finite mass that build a world; XiBase's world in this case. I hope it stays that away; lot of sites are forever-changing; IGN's site is one of those HUMONGOUS sites that has took advantage of their strength and made it only a priviledge to be able to post pics on their boards or show HTML on your posts (a $10 fee for IGN-Insider every 3 months; unless your're a MOD or ADMIN, you get special priviledges).

I've tried in building my own website, but had neither the interest or time (had the finance, but you know the temptation every time a new video-game comes's time to start PARTYING!!!). I'm truly priviledged you had the time to check out my unfinished fanSite. Took hours snapping photos, hooking my Travelmate to the Dreamcast (and relaying back to the TV) and snapping photos via Dazzle*. Pleases me that you take interest in them and look forward in catching you in the game someday. It's coming out for the PC. ;)

Finally, just wanted to say that you've always stood out in the boards everytime I saw your post, s4. I still remember your "no comment" posts. Good to see you too!!! :cool:

nalani, don't lose hope! I'm still a MAC-dude, too.......just not a real big-time MAC-dude. Not that knowledgable in the new MACs, but if you have questions, I'm sure I can find solutions real quick........a week or so, + or -.

Just kidding. :D Give me a sec....

StarCaine(D5x) K2

Smile! :wave:

Oh! Yes, call me whatever you know me as: D5, D5x, hail-warden, MAC-O, even StarCaine. I will be addressing my signature as StarCaine from now on, though. ;)

Thanks again, fury, for your help. Woke me up to find time in visiting this site once in a while. And good to see Neo around, too. I hope you got that last e-mail a LONG LONG time ago. Hadn't got around to making a RE: since of the Sircam Worm Virus hit us that time. br0ck...........darn, I'm forgetting old members now!!!! :D

PostCode and Gonzo; I don't know you guys real well, but I'm obliged to know you better. And, thanks. ;)


Staff member
Welcome, MMZ_Tooth!

Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here! :wave:


New Member
Thanks everyone... Nice to finally belong ;) *sets beer and pizza on the table*

Prof... :wave: to you too! You just can't get rid of me... I keep turning up!

Trinity... Billy Joel said it best, "Either you date a rich girl from the North Shore, or a cool girl from the South Shore." :D

Nix... Thanks for that clarification! Yes, for those of you who don't know yet, Greenie is a girl.

/me humps Fury back

Sorry it took so long Kruz. I'll try to do better next time.

Q, it's funny you should say that, I've been lurking around here since September or so, and have been reading your stuff too. :grin: Likewise!

Hey BD, hope your knee isn't giving you too much trouble. Good luck with your surgery, I wish I had a laptop to give ya but alas, I do not. (I'll keep my eyes open though)

Unc, :smash: How quickly you men forget... *sigh*


I always enjoy reading your posts D5. You have a style that is unique and interesting. You were not forgotten by those that were around in the early days of Xibase. I still remember what happened back then to this day. I was disappointed when things went a little sour.

I had an enthusiastic attitude towards finding something better than HWC back then. As it turns out, I still like like HWC but I think of it as something different than Xi in terms of what I go there for. They have their agenda and Xi has its' purpose.

For a long time Xibase was sitting around with only 5 or 6 people actually posting. Huge was one of the people that kept the site from being extinct. He visited the site more than anybody I think. I actually thought at one point Xi was done for then NEO came in an took over which is how we got this far.

Sorry about rambling. Just thought you might like to know some of the things that went on in your absence, D5.

Don't be a stranger! Good to see ya!:beerchug: