Perpetual Welcome Thread



Hey D5! How's it going? Don't know if you remember me, but I certainly remember you. Welcome back!:wave:


Staff member
Starcaine???? Ah yes you told me about the game and the clan.

Anyways its good to see you bud. Hopefully your rocky time turns.

Be careful, the macwars may very well have started.:D :D :D

Now get to postin :scared: :whip:


Staff member
BigDadday said:
:wave: and welcome so post away and answer at will as well but do so.:D We want your beer and cheese by the way!:p
What do you mean WE?

Give it all to ME :smash:



My Mac GURU!!!!! I'm glad to see you back, man ... I think I'm the only Mac-er around :(

Welcome home ... *hug*


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
PostCode said:
Welcome back. All returning members back from long sojourn must buy everyone a beer. Gonzo may want more though. :D

Look, it's a simple equation-8,10,16 beers then 4 slices of pizza before bed & NO HANGOVER:D

Welcome:beerchug: , welcome back:beerchug: whichever applies


New Member
Whoa, hey guys! Cool, I'm very glad to get back to some old friends......and new ones!! :smash:

s4, ole buddy! Yes, I remember you, dude!! ::hugs:: Thought you wouldn't recognize me with my new pen. Certainly proud to see you again......if that is possible in these boards! :lol:

But, really, it pleases me to see this greeting. Neo, long time! Yes, I am the StarCaine, 1st of series 1/x. You will also see me as my other forms, notably DarkCaine(my 1st Barbarian) and MasterCaine(my other Barbarian) in Diablo II LoD; and in PSO, HuCaine(my first HUmar), StarCaine(my first RAmar), iCaine(my first RAcast), DarkCaine JP (my first HUmar on the imported ver2), and Jennifer(actually JennCaine, named in honor of a fellow IGN member) in PSO, and finally StarCaine X in Halo (X-Box).

I've diverted from the D5 to StarCaine. I hope that is what people will know me as later on. It's good to see you too, Neo! The site's looking d@*n cool. :D

::starts catching on posts; unfortuneatly, computer made a run for the Blue-Screen-of-Death, which isn't unusal; finds alternative choice; a MAC::

Hang in there, nalani! I'm.........actually, I've ran out of MAC jokes, lol. Ever since the Powerbook G4, my respect to Apple sort of dropped. But, guess what? That changed when the X-Box came. Stupid brother, he got one for Christmas. Boy, the tempatation.........must.........resist.....

::finds lighter and starting fluid; then, also finds the price tag to the device, and decides, it's just not worth it...::

Hey, br0ck! Thanks for the welcoming, mate! I've been slacking, aye? Well, Gonzo's suggestion seems like the perfect solution to make up for that.

::pops out 6 2-liter bottles of Barg's Root Beer::

What? What!?? It's easy on the budget. Alcohol's should we put it? cost effective ;)

Oh, here's a mug-shot of me in PSO, most especially for Neo and all the cool dudes who haven't seen me in a while.


Here's another, me getting hit by a rare enemy, a PAL RAPPY!!!!


You guys gotta find me sometime! PSO's coming out fur da cube! (GameCube)

Thanks again for your welcoming, guys!! I'm actually surprised some folks still remember me. It's a big world out there, and sure enough, a lot of people to remember. ;)


Smile! :wave:


New Member
Again, thanks guys for your welcoming. Something just occured to me. I had to go digging for these pics on my old PSO-FanSite. I thought if you guys wanna check it out, see the "unfinished", go right on ahead. Again, it's unfinished and I'm unsubscribed to Homestead, so none of the links on the Nav bars don't work, but it does show a few cool pics of me in PSO. Haven't updated in a while. I'm thinking of redoing the entire stupid page and add new pages later on. Don't have time right now, but somedays maybe. :D

Subject: StarCaine's old PSO FanSite

Personally, I think probably one person (myself) ever visited that webpage. Well, catch you guys later!!!! ;)

StarCaine(D5x) K2

Smile! :wave:


I always enjoy reading posts from you D5 or should I call you StarCaineD5x? You will always be D5 to me. Root beer is all I'm drinking these days too. :beerchug:

I checked out your website and liked the pictures a lot.

If you get the chance tell us how you came up with the name Xibase. I remember reading it a long time ago back when Xibase was run by Sin2. I always enjoy reading how you came up the name.

Good to see ya, StarCaineD5x!:wave:


what do you mean D .. uh, ... err.... I mean, StarCaine? Tell me you haven't become a Mac-Hater too :(

Can I still come to you with my lil Mac problems? :cry2:


Staff member
Welcome, dime006!

Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here! :wave:


Staff member
Welcome, greenfreak!

Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here! :wave: