PC speaker 'clicks' 2-5 times @ every power on


Staff member
This has been happening for quite a while now and doesn't really bother me that much, but I was curious. My PC speaker "clicks" (quite the same way Windows 98 does when it wants to make the system beep) anywhere from 2 to 5 times (before the video card screen even comes up) every time the computer is turned on. :retard:

Is this normal? Is it a harmless glitch? Is my computer plotting its own demise right in front of my very eyes? :smash:

Just wondering... :hmm:


Staff member
I frequently run scandisks with no problem. The disk (an IBM Deskstar 75gxp 60 gigger) hasn't ever really given me any trouble physically, only Windows somehow keeps messing up the used space count (e.g. it once said I'm only using 2 megs of disk space when I know for a fact that the Windows folder is at least 200 and program files is at least 20, but I am not concerned about that since it happened all the time no matter what disk I used).

What's really odd (or is it?) is that it only happens to my Windows box (T-bird 1.2 @ 1.4 on a KT7a) and not to my Linux box (Duron 0.7 @ 1.0 on a KT7)