Paging Ms Spirit, where are you


this is my special title
She's offline for a while. She has a crud comp and a cruddier ISP that was costing her 50CDN a month. She ditched it in attempt to save a little dough to get a new car. Her employer has a non-email internet block, so she can't get here from there. Her participation will be spotty at best for an unknown period of time.
It is unfortunate to see that such a fine resource of information as the Internet has been forbidden from her place of employment, especially when her internet service has been forefeited from her homestead for the sake of monetary allocation intended towards the purchase of a new unit of transportation. I hope that she will have found the time and money to return here someday.


this is my special title
Shes...erm ... a little tied up at the moment. *hastily closes bedroom door and pockets a handcuff key*


this is my special title
Direct quote from a Spirit email that I recieved naught but 10 minutes ago. :
I am actually touched that they are thinking of me! So you tell them I miss them all and maybe at some point in the next few days I will try to get online on someone's computer that has internet and say hi : )