Organ donation


New Member
How many of willing to donate?

I am willing to sign up for organ donation. If it is fated that God wants to take me away, then my organs can be used to help others :)


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I am a full donor-though they probably can't use my lungs, heart, liver. etc


Staff member
Full organ donor here too...and FYI, besides having the organ donor consent on your drivers license, it's very important to make sure your family knows to give consent as well.

Shadowfax is that how you do it in Europe too, on your drivers license?
Now that I think about it, I'm curious...since we have members from all over the world, how other countries do bout in Malaysia?


I plan to take mine with me. They are mine, mine, mine and you can't have them. :scared:


New Member
Q ... theres no organ donor consent on drivers license yet in Malaysia. All we need to do is register to NTRC (National Heart Institute, Society of Transplantation)


Staff member
Since I have every intention of coming back as a lovely little multi-colored snapdragon...I won't be needing mine. :worm:


Staff member
Originally posted by tOKSIK
Q ... theres no organ donor consent on drivers license yet in Malaysia. All we need to do is register to NTRC (National Heart Institute, Society of Transplantation)
That's cool. Is the Heart Institute in charge of dispersing the other organs too?


akc registered donor here, but with bad lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, hip, back, ankle and deteriating brain. Oh well, I have plenty of hair on my back they can use :cry2:


Everday People
I wouldn't wish my parts on my worse enemy.To many complications medically and been taking legal drugs since I was 13 so it's useless to give them. BD :(


Staff member
Anybody who doesn't think their organs are suitable for donation...think again. For one thing, organs tend to take on the chronological attributes of the physical age of the recipient. So your old beat up 50 or 60 year old kidneys will rejuvinate back to age 12, if that is the age of the person receiving them...within days. Also, an organ which was not necessarily healthy in a donor may have been so due to conditions not affecting the recipient and therefore will regenerate. Generally 30% of a healthy kidney in an adult is enough to sustain life in a child and the organ will replace the removed section in the adult within a week and will grow to appropriate size in the child who received it. And even if none of the organs harvested are suitable for transplant, they can be used for research on the diseases that affected them or for study and training purposes for medical personel.


Staff member
Well, I don't quite plan on coming back to life after I die :laugh:

So, whenever I'm able to get my organs donored, I'll probably give them all off.


Staff member
My mom signed her donor card, so has brainsoft. I'm still struggling wth the thought of them taking stuff out of me after i die. Eventually I will sign my card but I'm not quite ready yet.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
I can't see, I can't hear, I smoke and I drink, so that cuts out the important ones...eyes, lungs, liver, kidney... Maybe my hands, fingers or legs? hehehe