Oh, yea-that's why I don't drink anymore


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I feel like shit & it's all someone elses fault I drank too much last night-do not do it to me again:retard:


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
What NEO said; I'm pissed right now that I'm out of vodka....:mad:


Sampling first-rate spirits is proper for glad tidings and merriment. The antithesis of doom with downcast ambiance is better served with digestion of chocolate milk and cookies.


One of a Kind
Well, it was my 21st and I am smashed! He he. Just thought I would share. My bf made me do a 911 shot after I was already messed up, so I am screwed. No more drinking like that for a while.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
There was a time that I'd regularly drink 10-15 beers in a sitting/evening & have no hangover in the AM. Boy, have I gotten smarter since then. Of course, 5 hours sleep didn't help.
Those who are new to drinking & think it's cool to be a functioning alcoholic-it is, but it's ever so much easier on the pocketbook to be a lightweight:laugh:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by Spirit
Soooo.... who made you drink so much?

YOU, NEO, DP, Flurffy, Q, Wine4All, E, and the rest of ya bastiches did it to me-or maybe I did it to my own damned self-who knows


Mushroom at large
If you get the hangover within 24 hours of stopping drinking, you weren't serious about it.

Then again, if you haven't had a drink in the last 24 hours, you really aren't serious about it.


Kissy Goddess
Me??? Hey.. don't blame me!!! That naked pic of me that I sent you couldn't have driven you to drink *that* much:lol: :lol:



Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by Spirit
Me??? Hey.. don't blame me!!! That naked pic of me that I sent you couldn't have driven you to drink *that* much:lol: :lol:


*breathing HEAVY* & no hangover


Originally posted by Huge
What NEO said; I'm pissed right now that I'm out of vodka....:mad:

I thought you were going to quit boozing, Huge. Darn, I was rooting for ya!

It's not so bad being off the sauce. After a while you don't even think about it.