Now that the Northern Alliance is beginning to gain some ground...



Why shouldn't they sieze Kabul? I know the US is concerned about what type of government will be in Afganistan when the war is over, but the Northern Alliance is the one doing the major part of fighting on the ground. Do we really have the right to tell them where to go because they are the ones ducking bullets every day on the ground? It seems to me that if we, the US want to control what happens, we should be the ones with ground troops getting our butts shot up instead of them. The air campaign can do only so much. Anyone agree or disagree?


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
We don't take Kabul because they need a government of mixed tribes. If the N Alliance tribes take it, then there is trouble with the southern tribes...long & complicated nonsense.

The NA was fighting the Taliban long before we got involved, so they must be the ones to gain control on land, with their people or it will look like the US is in a land seizing mode. That's when the trouble start with the other nations. But, they have to accept our decision to move in limited direction or we stop bombing the fromt lines & they're back to wherre they started.

The air campaign is limiting because we aren't there to conquer the country, only to boot the enemy government out & allow the residents to form a government. Te Taliban keeps complaining about(come down here & fight you cowards), isn't the entire point of 50million dollar missles to NOT get ground troops killed. It's working.:D


The Taliban and Bin Laden weren't shy about coming into NYC to take out the WTC. I say piss on those countries that can't respect that we are defending ourselves. I think we have every right to go in there if we choose to. If a few countries over there don't like it then we should supply them with videos of the WTC going down.


Staff member
I agree with you, s4. It was our WTC, our pentagon, our country that was attacked and likewise, it should be our ground troops blasting Bin Laden and all the other terrorists out of there. But while we have our beef with them in that we were the target of their terrorist attacks, the Northern Alliance, like Gonzo said, has already been fighting with the Taliban for a while. They have the experience against the Taliban and are at more of a "home court" advantage so to speak than we are.


Where are you located, Nihilistic?

At the rate it is going, the Taliban is going to run out of ground and cities.