My random terrorist whacked story of the day


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
I wasn't there when it happened earlier this morning (I was sawing some logs in my bed :zzz: ); this came up after the 2 planes that landed at JFK today under suspicion of hijacking/terrorist activity (they did pull someone off the plane) but anyways my bro who is in from Minnesota says to me "Did Ann (auntie) tell you about the man who tried getting a piece of mail delivered to him at our address?" He tells me that yesterday (Thurs), some Middle Eastern man went up to our postal carrier and asked if a package sent to him AT OUR ADDRESS was delivered; the mail carrier (which we've have had for 10+ years and knows me & my aunt very well, as in he knows that she owns a private house and doesn't rent it out except to me) looks at him puzzled, and says 'no'. Today the mysterious package comes and he (mailman) rings the doorbell (it was covered in Arabic). "Is this guy staying with you?" "No, I have no idea on what that is." "Hmmm..." :lurk:

This sent a chill down my spine when I heard it; it's not like someone had a package delivered to a wrong address (that happens all the time); this guy purposely did it and then hung around waiting for it to come). Our building looks like every other house on the block (its NYC after all), but unlike most of the buildings, its not an apartment house. There have been times at night I've heard our door being jiggled but thought nothing of it (usually delivery boys dropping off menus). Good thing I keep a goalie hockey stick near the door.

Yes, I know, not all people from the Middle East are terrorists. But if you're not a terrorist, why the hell are you having mail sent to a house where you don't live? And then trying to con the mailman that you live there?


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
My aunt got it wrong; it was UPS, not USPS. Still we've had him forever as well.

I don't know; if they want to get you, they'll get you somehow. Running away in fear won't do much. They'll win that way.