Mixed Signals


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
So, where do we stand with the moderate Arab countries?

By Sami Aboudi
Saturday, September 22, 2001; 6:32 AM

DUBAI, Sept 22—The United Arab Emirates (UAE) cut ties with the Taliban on Saturday, giving a diplomatic boost to U.S. efforts to press Afghanistan's rulers to surrender Osama bin Laden over deadly attacks in the United States last week.

The UAE gave Taliban embassy staff 24 hours to leave the Gulf Arab state, the official WAM news agency said.


By Vernon Loeb and Dana Priest
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, September 22, 2001; Page A01

Saudi Arabia is resisting the United States' request to use a new command center on a Saudi military base in any air war against terrorists, forcing Pentagon planners to consider alternatives that could delay a campaign for weeks, defense officials said yesterday.

Secretary of State Colin L. Powell is trying to persuade the Saudi government to reverse a decade-old policy in which it has refused to allow the United States to stage or command offensive air operations from Saudi air bases, officials said.



Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
At least Saudi Arabia finally severed all ties to the Taliban, now for the airbases.


New Member
THe more Arab states we get on our side, the less likely that bin Laden can make this an "Holy War". That's what we all are trying to avoid.