Look at the difference


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
The Israelis want the land God promised them in the book of Genesis. The Palestinians want the land they've used for centuries. The UN splits the land in 1948 & there has been bloodshed ever since. They've destroyed or desecrated many of the others shrines & holidays.

Now look how the Christians are handling the almost burning down of the shrine built over their messiahs birthplace. Calm & serene. No bullets. No bombs. No shouting in the streets. Nice conduct Christians.:thup:

Gun shots, fire erupt at besieged Church of Nativity in Bethlehem
Wed May 1,11:19 PM ET
By IBRAHIM HAZBOUN, Associated Press Writer

BETHLEHEM, West Bank - Fire blazed in the Church of the Nativity compound for half an hour early Thursday during a fierce exchange of gunfire between Palestinians and the Israeli forces besieging it.

Flames leaped out of three rooms in the Orthodox Christian and Franciscan section of the large compound. Palestinians said by telephone from inside the church that three people were slightly burned trying to put out the blaze.

The nighttime fire was about 15 meters (50 feet) from the 4th-century basilica itself, built over the traditional birthplace of Jesus.

After about 30 minutes, the flames were extinguished and an uneasy calm returned to the area. There was no apparent damage to the church, but the extent of damage to the compound wasn't immediately clear.

The fire broke out during an exchange of fire between Palestinian gunmen in the church and Israeli soldiers encircling it. During the shooting, Israeli soldiers threw smoke bombs and fired flares into the air.