Killing me softly...legally


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Well, how about that. A judge who believes in suicide over governmental rule. Let's see Ashcroft squirm now.

Oregon's Assisted Suicides Upheld
By William Booth
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, April 18, 2002; Page A01

LOS ANGELES, April 17 -- A federal judge in Portland ruled today that the Bush administration lacks the authority to overturn a voter-backed Oregon law permitting physician-assisted suicide.

U.S. District Judge Robert Jones scolded Attorney General John D. Ashcroft, saying that the federal government was attempting to usurp the rights of a state when the Justice Department announced its intent to prosecute doctors who prescribe lethal doses of drugs to their terminally ill and dying patients.

"The citizens of Oregon, through their democratic initiative process, have chosen to resolve the moral, legal and ethical debate on physician-assisted suicide for themselves by voting -- not once, but twice -- in favor of the Oregon act," Jones wrote in his order.


Staff member
Wow, I wonder how that law reads. Can a 20 year-old in perfect health legally choose assisted suicide?


Staff member
I'm sure the law has pretty specific criteria and I think it would be really tough to find a doctor willing to "put down" a perfectly healthy 20 year old.

Anyway, I think it's great...I hope it paves the way for other states.


Mushroom at large
Q, they found doctors willing to carve up perfectly healthy people and shove silicon implants into them. Doctor are like lawers. Some got into the business to help people, but most are just there for the money.


Staff member
I still think even money grubbimg slime would draw the line at whacking healthy people.