Judges Toss Out Online Porn Law


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
unsure about this. protecting kids in public libraries or free speech. such a dilemma. maybe we can just ban pervs from libraries & not worry about it.

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Three federal judges on Friday threw out a federal law that would have forced public libraries to equip computers with software designed to block access to Internet pornography.

In a 195-page decision, the judges said the Children's Internet Protection Act went too far because it also blocking access to sites that contained protected speech.

"Any public library that adheres to CIPA's conditions will necessarily restrict patrons access to a substantial amount of protected speech in violation of the First Amendment," the judges wrote.

The law would have required public libraries to install the filters or risk losing federal funding starting July 1. It had been widely criticized by First-Amendment groups.

The judges, who heard nearly two weeks of testimony in April, wrote that they were concerned that library patrons who wanted to view sites blocked by filtering software might be embarrassed or lose their right to remain anonymous because they would have to ask permission to have the sites unblocked.


New Member
Here this came up too, they're talking about having adults only areas at the moment, and having the rest have blocks on them.

:confuse3: Who goes to the library to look at porn? You're sitting there looking with people walking by, I don't get it. You'd have to be pretty desperate I'd think :confuse3:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I've heard some outrageous stories about porn at the library. If they are true, there are some sick pups out there.


Staff member
I don't see why it's such a big deal to block porn at the library. It's not like they're blocking ALL porn.

Gonz, I wanna hear the sick pup porn library stories!!:worm:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
The reason they don't want to block porn at the library is it can be construed as censorship. Which it is. However, because so many minors use the library computers there has to be a work around. Maybe an adult section or something. What I find ironic is, the ALA won't censor internet porn but has anyone ever seen a Penthouse at the library?

Q, not much to the stories actually...idiots putting every computer to a porn site or masturbating in the library. Just moronic stuff that has no place in a public gathering hall. What makes them distubing is the fact that it has happened so many times in so many libraries. People getting off on kids viewing porn.


Staff member
Good point about the Penthouse.
....and yeah, it is censorship, technically. But I think it kinda falls in that same vein as not allowing liquor to be sold within a thousand feet of a school (or whatever the actual distance may be) we aren't enforcing prohibition, just restricting the location it can (or can't) be sold. We aren't prohibiting porn, just restricting the locations it can be viewed. IMHO, if ya wanna look at smut, buy your own freaking computer and whack till your chapped. :D