It's beginning to feel a lot like ...


New Member
... a big fat load of commercialism.

Yesterday when I walked into Wal-Mart, what do I see? All their Christmas crap is up already. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. But this is getting ridiculus. Is it me, or do we still have Halloween and Thanksgiving to get through?

Then as I was driving home, I notice that one of my neighbors had their Christmas tree up, complete with lights and decorations, shining brightly from their living room picture window.

Can't we enjoy Halloween and Thanksgiving first, without having to deal with Christmas already?


New Member
Squiggy, please tell me that at least you had a plastic tree :p

My good friends also have their plastic tree up from last year. I tease them about it everytime I go to their house.


New Member
I was at the nursery yesterday and they had some Christmas stuff up to but not a lot. I haven't even thought about buying candy for Halloween yet. Which reminds me, there's a battle going on about Thanksgiving with my family. I have to call and tell my sister that we were already asked by my parents to go there. Maybe we can do both. Double the leftovers!! :D


New Member
Sadly, ku'u, I don't do plastic trees....And it looks like its going to be quite a job picking up all those needles and putting them back on.....:(
I was going to put the fake spider web stuff up today, but once again, by the time I knocked down all the real ones, I was too tired....
And after everyone made last minute plans last year, I'm thinking TV dinner for thanksgiving.....I wonder if they have TV dinner leftovers for the holiday...They really should think about it ..ya know?