It never ends!


Everday People
Well got up at 7am and was all hyped up about this MRI and when I went to get it my left knee was too large to fit into the apparatus so I could go into the machine.:( Now have a new appointment in a few hours at another place that doesn't need the leg gizmo. Open MRI is what it is now.John:scared:


Staff member
Good luck, man! I wish you a speedy and as painless as possible recovery :beerchug:


Everday People
Man anyone ever have an MRI? They are hades. Lying still in one position for 1 hour and hating it. Will find out the results friday.:)


Staff member
I've had one MRI before. Had to go through half of it again because the radio station in the headphones they shoved in my ears put on AC/DC's Big Balls (before that day, I had never ever heard the song) and I was giggling like a schoolgirl through the whole song. Last time I ever put on headphones during an mri, that was about the longest hour and a half of my life


New Member
Originally posted by Kruz
I had 1 in "95" for my lower back:cry:

Was it that bad? I thinking of getting one cause I'm having some bad lower back problems and my doc says that I should. :confused:


I had two last year, one for lower back problem, diagnosis: slightly bulging disk, and one for my left hip, diagnosis: avascular necrosis of the hip. I am scheduled for bi-lateral toenail reconstruction on the 20th.


New Member
Originally posted by alex
I had two last year, one for lower back problem, diagnosis: slightly bulging disk, and one for my left hip, diagnosis: avascular necrosis of the hip. I am scheduled for bi-lateral toenail reconstruction on the 20th.

My dad has back surgery on the 14th of this month for 3 ruptured disks in his lower back. :eek: :eek: :eek:

It seems to run in my family. My uncle also has a very bad back and had to have surgery as well.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
I've had three on my right knee. Holding still isn't so bad, but I really ain't crazy about being shoved inside a tube.


Everday People
Originally posted by HomeLAN
I've had three on my right knee. Holding still isn't so bad, but I really ain't crazy about being shoved inside a tube.

Lcky I guess as my left knee would not go into the gizmo that would hold it so I had to go to another place for an open mRI. Hey they told me the cost was $1,200.00 for one of those. WOW!